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What we spend and how we spend it

This section of the publication scheme covers financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Please note some of these documents may not be suitable for users of assistive technology, if you require an alternative format please contact us

Financial statements

Details of our expenditure over £500, including costs, supplier and transaction information is published monthly. View our expenditure over £500.

Medium Term Financial Plan

The capital programme and annual variance reports feature in the full Financial Strategy. Quarterly variance reports appear within the agenda for the relevant Cabinet meetings.

View our Medium Term Financial Strategy 2024-2027 and Capital Strategy 2024-2034 - please note this document may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you require additional assistance, contact

Budget book 2023-2026 (pdf 2MB - html version coming soon) - please note this document may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. If you require additional assistance, contact

Budget book 2022-2025 (pdf )

View our full budget book 2021

View archived financial strategies and budget books

Productivity Plan

The productivity plan (July 2024) covers four areas; better use of resources, taking advantage of technology, reduce wasteful spend, and the barriers preventing progress.

The members' allowances scheme and allowances paid to Councillors

Details regarding the actual amounts paid to Members under the scheme can be found on our councillors allowances, disclosures and expenses page.

More information on the allowances scheme can be found under section 17 of the constitution.

Staff allowances and expenses

Details of the staff allowances and expenses paid to individual senior staff members by reference to categories; travel, subsistence and accommodation can be viewed on our staff allowances and expenses page. These categories are produced in line with the council’s policies, practices and procedures.

Pay and grading structure

The pay multiple, our pay policy statement and information relating to our chief officers' (senior employees with a salary over £50,000) can be found on our pay and grading structure page.

Election expenses

This relates to returns or declarations and accompanying documents relating to election expenses sent to the council.

Election expenses are available for inspection and purchase for a prescribed fee for a statutory period of time after each election. For more information please contact the Electoral Services team.

Procurement procedures

Procurement procedures and regulations relating to tendering opportunities with the council.

Our lists and registers page provides details of the contracts awarded by Wyre Forest District Council, this information is published on a quarterly basis. Our tenders, contracts and leases page provides information about our tenders and contracts.

Procurement strategy

Read our procurement strategy

Details of grants to the voluntary community and social enterprise sector

Current details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations can be found on their respective pages which can be found on our localism and community grants page. Historical data can be found on our grants to voluntary and community organisations page.

Internal financial regulations

This information can be found under section 11 of the constitution.

Funding for partnership arrangements

Relevant information will be included either in the Financial Plan or alternatively you can submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to

Annual Statement of Accounts

Each year we have to produce a set of accounts. The formal document is the Statement of Accounts which sets out the financial aspects of our activities and draws attention to the main characteristics of our financial position. View current and previous accounts and audit findings.

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