Tenders, contracts and leases
We spend approximately £9 million each year providing organisations of all sizes with a wide range of commercial opportunities. This section is intended to provide suppliers with an insight into how the Council carries out its procurement activities and gives details of the rules and procedures we must comply with.
A lack of information about contract opportunities and a lack of understanding of the our contracting procedures may be stopping some organisations from applying for our contracts. The way in which we purchase goods and services is governed by our constitution (contract procedure rules, financial procedure rules and financial standing orders). It is our duty to secure value for money on behalf of district taxpayers whilst ensuring the quality of the services provided. Our aim is to be open, fair and transparent in how we select, appoint and award contracts.
Each individual tender document will indicate who to contact for more information about a contract being advertised, however, for more general information about the our overall procurement policies and practices contact us.
Please note: we do not maintain an approved supplier list.
Upcoming contracts and leasing
The information on this page is designed to help you to apply for our contracts. As there is a great deal of competition, this guide cannot assure success for everyone. However, it should provide you with the information you need to apply with confidence.
All current opportunities are listed here. If there are none listed, it means that there are no current opportunities.
Contract for Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Boat Dweller Accommodation Assessment
.Wyre Forest District Council wish to appoint a Contractor to complete a Gypsy, Traveller, Travelling Showpeople and Boat Dweller Accommodation. The appointment will be by way of competitive Tender via the Open procedure based on the Requirements and Specification set within the tender documents.
Reference: WF2024/122
Tender deadline: 11am, Friday 7 February 2025
How to submit a tender
All appointments will be by way of competitive Tender via the Open route, and is being carried-out using e-procurement portal, ProContract Due-North. To partake in this procurement exercise, contractors will need to register with ProContract Due-North.
Once registered, the contractor will need to search for the Invitation to Tender using the ProContract Due-North unique reference provided. Contractors will then need to electronically submit an Expression of Interest and follow the instructions to view the procurement documentation.
If you have any problems or queries gaining access to ProContract Due-North, please contact their customer support.
All contracts over £10,000 will be advertised (provided a framework agreement or existing contract isn't used). The contracts will be advertised on one of 4 websites, see below.
1) Due North Procontract
The Council is using the e-procurement portal known as Procontract Due North (Proactis) https://procontract.due-north.com to conduct procurement exercises.
To gain access to the procurement document(s) tenderers will need to register their company details at the above website. Once registered, tenderers will be emailed a log-in and password which will allow them to gain access to the tender documents for their chosen project. Tenderers will need to electronically submit an expression of interest to Procontract Due North and an electronic copy of the ITT will then be sent as an attachment. Tenderers should submit their completed procurement document(s) and accompanying documentation via the Pro-Contract on-line portal by the deadline date and time.
Any supplier questions/queries should be submitted via Pro-Contract portal website.
Any clarifications will be issued via the Pro-Contract portal.
Any technical queries relating to the Electronic Portal should be directed to the Proactis Service Desk who are available between the hours of 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding UK Public Holidays).
2) Wyre Forest District Council Website
Contracts under £10,000, suppliers can be asked to provide a quote. We must ask at least two companies to quote and enough to ensure genuine competition.
Contracts over £10,000 will be posted on our electronic portal, Procontract Due North, unless as stated above, a Framework Agreement or existing contract is used.
Contracts over £180,000, as per our Contract Procedure Rules, will be advertised on the above 4 websites and also on the UK e-notification service Find a Tender (FTS). The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015) Directive processes will be followed.
There is no charge for obtaining a tender pack or returning your submission.
Open and restricted tender definitions
There are two main types of tenders open tender and restricted tender.
Open tender
All suppliers responding to an Open Tender are given the tender documents to complete and return. There is no opportunity to shortlist supplies using this approach. You will be asked to submit an expression of interest for the contract, however you will receive the tender documentation at the same time. The expression of interest will be considered at the same time as your bid. All suppliers will be checked for compliance and evaluated equally.
Restricted Tender - Procurements over £189,330
This is a two stage approach whereby interested suppliers download all documentation at the start of the process, including the Invitation to Tender (ITT). This procedure is only available for over Threshold procurements.
Stage 1
The Selection Questionnaire (SQ) is completed and returned by the deadline date and time set, a minimum of 30 days. It is then evaluated by the team and a minimum of 5 suppliers are selected to proceed to Stage 2.
Stage 2
Selected suppliers from Stage 1 are invited to complete the ITT, the minimum time set for the return of the completed ITT is 25 days if using an electronic portal, 30 days if non-electronic procedure used, although this is very rare. Once tenders are received, they are evaluated by the team and the successful supplier receives the first award notification.
A ten (calendar) day standstill period begins, if no challenges are received within the 10 days then the final Award is made and a contract can be entered into.
Applications from Social Enterprises
We are committed to fairness and open competition when letting contracts and recognise that many different organisations and groups can provide quality goods and services. These may include Small or Medium sized enterprises (SMEs), Black, Minority and Ethnic (BME) businesses, voluntary and community organisations.
We recognise Social Enterprises as one such type of organisation that can contribute to our wider objectives. These are companies whose profits are re-invested in the company or the community (not for profit), rather than aiming for maximum profits for shareholders and owners.
Tender opening, evaluation and feedback
Tenders are not opened until after the deadline has passed, the Sealed Box can then be accessed. Occasionally, the tender deadline may be extended, if this happens we will contact you via the portal.
Tenders will be opened after the deadline date and time via the Council’s electronic portal by the Procurement Officer.
Few tenders are selected by price alone. We will usually consider several quality aspects which will be detailed in the tender pack. We generally select the 'most economically advantageous tender' - the best tender in terms of 'price' and 'non-price' items. Compliance criteria may also be set.
We will write to you to let you know if your bid was successful or not.
We will ensure that for the contracts are let in accordance with The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and that the procedures in relation to the "stand still" period will be compiled with.
You are entitled to feedback, we will provide constructive and helpful information where possible.
However, we can withhold information which is commercially sensitive or contrary to public interest. We will act in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
Contact Details
For more information on contracts please contact the Corporate Procurement Officer
Telephone: 01562 732928