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Local Government Transparency Code

The Local Government Transparency Code sets out key principles for local authorities in creating greater transparency through the publication of open data. The document sets out a minimum requirement for the publication of data as well as recommended practice. Read more about the Local Government Transparency Code on Gov.UK

The data on this page and some datasets on our website are published under the Open Government Licence. This is a free open licence for public sector bodies to licence the use and re-use of information and data easily. If you are intending to use any of our data please note the conditions of the licence. We also have a duty to publish datasets requested under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If you have any queries regarding our data please email us, you can also view our Freedom of Information Publication Scheme.

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Expenditure exceeding £500

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.1 paragraphs 28 and 29

Our 'expenditure over £500' page publishes items of spending over £500 since April 2011. We publish this information monthly.

Government procurement card transactions

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.1 paragraph 30

Spending information on government procurement cards is published quarterly and can be located on our 'expenditure on government procurement cards' page.

Procurement information

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.1 paragraphs 31 and 32

Our 'register of current awarded contracts' page provides details of our current awarded contracts, this information is published on a quarterly basis. Our 'tenders, contracts and leases' page provides information about how we advertise and how to apply for our upcoming tenders and contracts.

Local authority land

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraphs 35, 36 and 37

As part of the requirement to make our data open and transparent, we publish an annual list of our land and property assets. Our operational and non-operational asset list can also be downloaded from our 'land and property assets' page.

Social housing asset value

Wyre Forest District Council does not own any social housing assets. All assets were transferred to The Community Housing Group in 2000.

Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraphs 42 and 43

Details of all grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations can be found on their respective pages listed on our 'grants to voluntary, community organisations' page.

Organisation chart

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraph 44

Our organisational chart covers staff in the top three levels of the organisation. This information is available to view on our 'management structure' page.

Trade Union facility time

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraph 45

Information is available on our 'Trade Union facility time report' page, this information is published annually.

Parking spaces

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraph 47

Information for 2024/25, this information is published annually.

  • on-street residents parking spaces:
  • on-street miscellaneous spaces:
  • off-street chargeable spaces: 1,405
  • off-street free for disabled badge holders: 73

Parking accounts

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraph 46

Our 'parking accounts' page annually publishes a breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority's parking account, including how any surplus has been spent.

Senior staff salaries

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraphs 48 and 49

Senior salaries information is published annually on our 'pay and grading structure' page. Senior staff are defined as including both statutory and non-statutory chief officers and their deputies. This information is published on our 'Chief Officers' information' page.


Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraph 50

Wyre Forest District Council's constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose.

Pay policy statement and pay multiple

Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraphs 51 and 52

The statement is a requirement under the Localism Act 2011 which requires the council to detail how it pays staff, from chief officers to those on the lowest grades and the relationship between the pay of chief officers and other staff.

The following information regarding the pay multiplier is contained within the current pay policy statement.:

Wyre Forest District Council annually calculates and publishes the mean and median salaries of its staff, and the ratios between those and the highest paid member of staff as follows:

  • mean salary 2019/20 = £25,285.00
  • median salary 2019/20 = £23,013.00
  • Chief Executive as a ratio to mean salary = 1:4.46
  • Chief Executive as a ratio to median salary = 1:4.90
  • Chief Executive as a ratio to grade D 100% salary = 1:6.27


Transparency Code 2015 part 2.2 paragraph 53

Information for 2021/22, this information is published annually.

  • Number of occasions the authority used powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014 , or similar powers:
    • We no longer have any housing stock, all stock was transferred to the Community Housing Group in 2000.
  • Total number (absolute and full time equivalent) of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud:
    • Two Compliance Officers equating to 1.57 full time employees
  • Total number (absolute and full time equivalent) of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists:
    • Not applicable
  • Total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud:
    • £42,190
  • Total number of fraud cases investigated:
    • 15,191

The team review all Single Person Discount claims each year. Other data sets are matched against various databases which are then investigated by the team. Council Tax and Business Rates exemptions and discounts are also reviewed. We work with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) on Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Scheme cases where there is an allegation of fraud. 


Transparency Code 2015 part 2.3 paragraph 54

Local authorities must publish details of their existing waste collection contracts, in line with the details contained in paragraph 32 of the Local Government Transparency Code.

We are required to publish this information at the same time as we first publish quarterly procurement information under the Local Government Transparency Code part 2.1 paragraphs 27, 31 and 32.

Wyre Forest District Council has 0 contracts.

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