Our organisation structure shows our statutory and non-statutory chief officers, deputy chief officers along with our top four tiers of management, their responsibilities and departments and teams under their direct report.
Employees whose duties are classed as solely secretarial, clerical or are otherwise in the nature of support services shall not be regarded as a non-statutory chief officer or a deputy chief officer as set out in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 part 1, section2 (9) and therefore will not be listed below.
Chief Executive, Head of Paid Service, Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer
Name: Ian Miller
Department: Chief Executive
Contract: Permanent
Grade: WFB001
Salary bracket: £125,000.00 - £130,000.00
Email: Ian.Miller@wyreforestdc.gov.uk
Deputy Chief Executive- Regeneration and Commercial
Name: Ostap Paparega
Department: Deputy Chief Executive, Economic regeneration and development, Facilities
Contract: Permanent
Grade: TBC
Salary bracket: £87,000.00 to £99,000.00
Email: Ostap.Paparega@wyreforestdc.gov.uk-
Head of Community and Environment
Name: Steve Brant
Department: Community; waste, civil enforcement, and Environment; open spaces, emergency planning, community safety; Health and Safety,
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £70,000.00 - £75,000.00
Email: Steve.Brant@wyreforestdc.gov.uk-
Community and Environment Strategic Manager
Department: Community and environment
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £52,219.00 - £55,574.00
Head of Strategic Growth
Name: Kate Bailey
Department: Strategic housing, Development Management, Planning Policy, Building Control and Land Charges
Contract: Permanent
Grade: WFB013
Salary bracket: £70,000.00 - £75,000.00
Email: Kate Bailey@wyreforestdc.gov.uk-
Planning Manager
Department: Development Management, Planning Policy, Building Control and Land Charges
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £52,219.00 - £55,574.00 -
Housing Manager
Department: Strategic housing
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £48,062.00 - £51,184.00 -
Principal Environmental Health Officer (housing and water management)
Department:Water courses etc
Contract: Permanent
Grade: WFB8
Salary bracket: £48,062.00 - £51,184.00
Regeneration Manager
Economic, development and regeneration
Contract: Permanent
Grade: WFB949
Salary bracket: £53,545 to £56,963 -
Property Service Manager
Economic, development and regeneration
Contract: Permanent
Grade: WFB952
Salary bracket: £53,545 to £56,963 -
Asset Maintenance and Compliance Officer
Department: Asset management
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £39,744.00 - £42,993.00 -
Business Growth Manager
Department:Economic development and regeneration
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £36,269.00 - £38,770.00 -
Estates Officer - VACANT
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: TBC
Solicitor to the Council - Monitoring Officer and Deputy Returning Officer
Name: Caroline Newlands
Department: Legal and Democratic Services, Human Resources, Organisational Development, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £70,000.00 - £75,000.00
Email: Caroline.Newlands@wyreforestdc.gov.uk-
Electoral Services Manager
Contract: Permanent
Grade:Career graded WFB5 - WFB7
Salary bracket: £36,269.00 - £47,095.00 -
Principal Solicitor
Department:Legal Services
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £52,219.00 - £55,574.00 -
HR and Organisational Development Manager
Department:Human Resources, Organisational Development, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £52,219.00 - £55,574.00
Head of Resources and Section 151 Officer
Name:Helen Ogram
Department: Resources, Accountancy, Internal Audit, Payroll, Procurement, ICT
Contract: Permanent
Grade: WFB013
Salary bracket: £70,000.00 - £75,000.00
Email: Helen.Ogram@wyreforestdc.gov.uk-
ICT Manager
Department:ICT services
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £52,219.00 - £55,574.00 -
Principal Accountant and Deputy Section 151 Officer
Department:Accountancy, payroll and procurement
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £52,219.00 - £55,574.00 -
Principal Accountant and Deputy Section 151 Officer
Department:Accountancy, payroll and procurement
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £52,219.00 - £55,574.00
Head of Revenues, Benefits and Customer Services
Name:Lucy Wright
Department:Revenues, benefits and customer services
Contract: Permanent
Grade: WFB014
Salary bracket: £60,000.00 - £65,000.00
Email: Lucy.Wright@wyreforestdc.gov.uk-
Financial Support Manager
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £39,744.00 - £42,993.00 -
Revenue Services Manager
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £39,744.00 - £42,993.00 -
Systems and Subsidy Services Manager
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £39,744.00 - £42,993.00 -
Customer Services Manager
Department:Customer services
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £36,269.00 - £38,770.00 -
Senior System and Customer Service Officer
Department:Customer service and systems
Contract: Permanent
Salary bracket: £32,564.00 - £35,348.00