Senior salaries
The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (Statutory Instrument 2015/234) requires local authorities to publish the following information:
- The number of employees whose salary in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000
- Details of salary and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000
- Employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more must also be identified by name
- In addition, the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires us to publish a list of responsibilities for example, the services and functions they are responsible for, budget held and number of staff, we are also required to include details of bonuses and ‘benefits in kind’ for all employees whose salary exceeds £50,000.
Our corporate directors and heads of service (chief officers) are responsible for different areas of our work, which can be viewed on our chief officers' information page. To view our organisation structure chart, which details our top three levels of senior management, visit our management structure page.
Employee posts and pay scales
We have provided an entire listing of the individual jobs undertaken which also identifies how much each of these positions are paid. Changes to our management structure are made from time to time and this will be reflected in the list of chief officer posts as defined by the Localism Act 2011.
The published information is taken as snapshot at a specific point in time. The information published was correct as 1 April 2021, subsequent updates can be published and will be highlighted as last updated with the appropriate date.
National Living Wage (information purposes only)
These rates are for the National Living Wage (for those aged 21 and over) and the National Minimum Wage. The rates change on 1 April every year.
- 1 April 2024 £11.44
- Aged under 19 years, or 19 years and over, but in first year of apprenticeship: £6.40 per hour
- Aged 18 - 20 years: £8.60 per hour (second year plus of apprenticeship)
- 21 years and over: £11.44 per hour (second year plus of apprenticeship)
Further information on National Living and National Minimum Wage rates can be viewed on GOV.UK
Salary band | Annual salary pro rata per annum |
WFB1 | From £24,648.00 to £26,180.00 |
WFB2 | From £26,751.00 to £28,182.00 |
WFB3 | From £28,948.00 to £31,479.00 |
WFB4 | From £32,564.00 to £35,348.00 |
WFB5 | From £36,269.00 to £38,770.00 |
WFB6 | From £39,744.00 to £42,993.00 |
WFB7 | From £44,020.00 to £47,095.00 |
WFB8 | From £48,062.00 to £51,184.00 |
WFB9 | From £52,219.00 to £55,574.00 |
WFB014 | Spot salary £62,759.00 |
WFB013 | Spot salary £70,557.00 |
WFB012 | Spot salary £73,383.00 |
WFB001 | Spot salary £128,035.00 |
Specified hourly rate currently £10.42
Age | Rate per hour |
Regardless of age | £5.28 - 60% of specified rate |
Age | Rate per hour |
16 - 17 years old | £5.28 - 65% of specified rate |
18 - 20 years old | £7.49 - 80% of specified rate |
21 - 22 years old | £10.18 - 100% of specified rate |
23 years old and over | National Living Wage £10.42 |
National Living Wage
For information purposes only, as of 1 April 2023
Age | Rate per hour |
23 years old and over | £10.42 |
21 - 22 year old | £10.18 |
18 - 20 year old | £7.49 |
16 - 17 year old | £5.28 |
Further information on National Living and National Minimum Wage rates can be viewed on GOV.UK
Payscales from 1 October 2022 - 31 March 2023
Salary band | Annual salary pro rata per annum |
WFB1 | From £22,723.00 to £24,255.00 |
WFB2 | From £24,826.00 to £26,257.00 |
WFB3 | From £27,023.00 to £29,554.00 |
WFB4 | From £30,639.00 to £33,423.00 |
WFB5 | From £34,344.00 to £36,845.00 |
WFB6 | From £37,819.00 to £41,068.00 |
WFB7 | From £42,095.00 to £45,170.00 |
WFB8 | From £46,137.00 to £49,259.00 |
WFB9 | From £50,269.00 to £53,498.00 |
WFB014 | Spot salary £60,637.00 |
WFB013 | Spot salary £68,171.00 |
WFB012 | Spot salary £70,901.00 |
WFB001 | Spot salary £121,685.00 |
Specified hourly rate currently £9.50
Age | Rate per hour |
Regardless of age | £5.07 - 60% of specified rate |
Age | Rate per hour |
16 - 17 years old | £5.49 - 65% of specified rate |
18 - 20 years old | £6.83 - 80% of specified rate |
21 - 22 years old | £9.18 - 100% of specified rate |
23 years old and over | National Living Wage £9.50 |
National Living Wage
For information purposes only, as of 1 April 2022
Age | Rate per hour |
23 years old and over | £9.50 |
21 - 22 year old | £9.18 |
18 - 20 year old | £6.83 |
16 - 17 year old | £4.81 |
Further information on National Living and National Minimum Wage rates can be viewed on GOV.UK
Payscales from 1 July - 30 September 2022
Salary band | Annual salary pro rata per annum |
WFB1 | From £21,641.00 to £23,100.00 |
WFB2 | From £23,644.00 to £25,007.00 |
WFB3 | From £25,736.00 to £28,147.00 |
WFB4 | From £29,180.00 to £31,831.00 |
WFB5 | From £32,709.00 to £35,090.00 |
WFB6 | From £36,018.00 to £39,112.00 |
WFB7 | From £40,090.00 to £43,019.00 |
WFB8 | From £43,940.00 to £46,913.00 |
WFB9 | From £47,875.00 to £50,950.00 |
WFB014 | Spot salary £57,750.00 |
WFB013 | Spot salary £64,925.00 |
WFB012 | Spot salary £67,525.00 |
WFB001 | Spot salary £115,890.00 |
Specified hourly rate currently £9.50
Age | Rate per hour |
Regardless of age | £5.07 - 60% of specified rate |
Age | Rate per hour |
16 - 17 years old | £5.49 - 65% of specified rate |
18 - 20 years old | £6.83 - 80% of specified rate |
21 - 22 years old | £9.18 - 100% of specified rate |
23 years old and over | National Living Wage £9.50 |
National Living Wage
For information purposes only, as of 1 April 2022
Age | Rate per hour |
23 years old and over | £9.50 |
21 - 22 year old | £9.18 |
18 - 20 year old | £6.83 |
16 - 17 year old | £4.81 |
Further information on National Living and National Minimum Wage rates can be viewed on GOV.UK
Annual salary grade bandings 2019 - 2021
Grade | Salaries as of 1 April 2021 | Salaries as of 1 April 2020 | Salaries as of 1 April 2019 |
Apprentice | £9,782 to £16,303 | £9,782 to £16,303 | £9,782 to £16,303 |
Living wage | £16,823 | £16,823 | £16,303 |
Band D | £17,027 to £18,223 | £17,027 to £18,223 | £16,817 to £17,998 |
Band E | £18,583 to £20,711 | £18,583 to £20,711 | £18,354 to £20,455 |
Band F | £21,245 to £23,301 | £21,245 to £23,301 | £20,983 to £23,013 |
Band G | £24,606 to £25,671 | £24,606 to £25,671 | £23,763 to £25,354 |
Band H | £26,686 to £28,452 | £26,686 to £28,452 | £26,357 to £28,101 |
Band I | £29,292 to £32,495 | £29,292 to £32,495 | £28,930 to £32,094 |
Band J | £33,407 to £36,447 | £33,407 to £36,447 | £32,955 to £35,997 |
Band K | £37,409 to £39,319 | £37,409 to £39,319 | £36,947 to £38,834 |
Band L | £40,287 to £42,188 | £40,287 to £42,188 | £39,790 to £41,667 |
Band M | £43,155 to £45,060 | £43,155 to £45,060 | £42,622 to £44,504 |
Band N | £46,065 to £48,082 | £46,065 to £48,082 | £45,496 to £47,488 |
CHG B | £17,269 to £21,530 | £17,269 to £21,530 | £17,056 to£21,265 |
CHG D | £24,428 to £31,779 | £24,428 to £31,779 | £24,127 to £31,387 |
GR306 | £19,029 to £20,598 | £19,029 to £20,598 | £18,795 to £20,344 |
WFB010 | £64,585 | £64,585 | £63,788 |
WFB009 | £55,148 | £55,148 | £54,467 |
WFB007 | £60,956 | £60,956 | £60,203 |
WFB006 | £65,606 | £65,606 | £64,798 |
WFB003 | £77,105 | £77,105 | £76,153 |
WFB001 | £114,177 | £114,177 | £112,767 |
Shared services employment information
There are also three shared services that are hosted by Wyre Forest District Council for Economic Development and Regeneration; Water Management; and Emergency Planning. The staff are employed by Wyre Forest but provide services also on behalf of both Bromsgrove and Redditch Borough Councils. Likewise, since 2010, a number of functions previously performed by staff of Wyre Forest District Council have been transferred to shared services hosted by other councils and therefore they no longer appear in lists of Wyre Forest posts.