Lists and registers
This section of the Freedom of Information publication scheme covers information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the authority.
Public registers and registers held as public record
- Reference to Electoral Registration and Electoral Roll can be found on our elections and voting page.
- Public information relating to National Assistance Burials; also known as public health funerals, can be found on our public health funerals page, this also includes details of how to view the register of burials.
- The Local Heritage Lists, formerly known as; Lists of Buildings of Local Architectural and/or Historic Interest: The Local list, can be viewed on our local heritage list page.
- View our contracts (procurement) register on our register of current awarded contracts page.
Asset registers and information asset register
We annually publish a list of our land and property assets which can be viewed on our land and property asset register page.
Information and details of locations can be viewed on our CCTV page.
Disclosure logs
You can view the information we disclose regarding complaints decisions made under our let us know policy on our complaint decisions page.
Register of councillors' financial and other interests
The register of interest for elected Members can be viewed on our councillors' allowances, disclosures and expenses page.
Senior officers' declaration of interests
View officers' declarations of interest.
Register of gifts and hospitality
View our employee and councillor register of gifts and hospitality.
Highways, licensing, planning, commons, and footpaths
Planning registers held by Wyre Forest District Council
- View or comment on planning applications on our planning applications register page.
- Viewing of the register of local land charges is by appointment only and includes a statutory fee. More information can be found on our local land charge search page.
- We are required by government to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed land (commonly known as “brownfield land”) which is potentially suitable for residential development. You can view our brownfield land register within the planning policy section of this website.
Registers held by other shared service providers or local authorities
North Worcestershire Water Management
- Land and drainage matters in Wyre Forest our managed by North Worcestershire Water Management. More information can be found on our land and drainage section.
Worcestershire County Council
- The commons registers can be viewed on Worcestershire County Council's website.
- Highway searches for unclassified roads within Wyre Forest can be found on Worcestershire County Council's website section on searches and adopted roads: classified and unclassified.
- Information regarding recording, changing and closing public rights of way are dealt with by Worcestershire County Council. View the register of applications for public rights of way.