View or comment on a planning application
Planning application search and comment
Our planning application viewer will be unavailable Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February 2025, whilst we undertake an essential upgrade.
During this time you will not be able to search or view applications.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Public access service for planning applications
We welcome any comments on planning applications. These can be made online, once you have searched for the planning application.
We will give all comments careful consideration, but your comments must be:
- In writing, this can be done by using the comment form within the Council’s Public Access System.
- Prompt - if you do not make comments within 21 days you may be too late; the decision may have been made.
- Relevant - to planning.
Any comments made will be publicly available on the planning application file and will be published on the internet. You should ensure that no personal data or information you do not wish to be published is provided within your comments. No personal data provided as part of the registration/sign up process with be published online. Anyone can submit a comment on any application, you do not have to have received a notification letter.
The council has to decide the planning application in accordance with the Development Plan and any other relevant factors, such as road safety, noise or smells from the development, the loss of trees or open space, damage to wildlife, the appearance of the new buildings, loss of light or privacy and the benefits of the proposal in providing homes of jobs.
Planning committee meetings
Public Speaking at the Planning Committee was introduced in September 2003.
Details of Planning Committee and relevant documents and agendas are available.
Go to Planning Committee webpage
Your councillors will be happy to listen to your point of view. However, in order not to prejudice their objectivity they will need a full picture of the facts, and to listen to opposing arguments and consider the planning officers comments and recommendations before they can make a decision.
Site visits
A planning officer will visit the site and may need to make arrangements to view it from private property. The committee will also sometimes need to visit a site. On these occasions, councillors cannot become involved in discussions. They are there only to look, and debate must be left until the meeting.