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Making a planning application

The term "Planning Applications" covers a large range of different types of applications ranging from householder development to agricultural buildings. The Development Management section deals with all of these applications.

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How to apply for planning permission

Apply online for any type of planning permission via the Planning Portal

If you are unable to apply online and would rather download and print an application form the Planning Portal has a paper form selector.

Postal applications must utilise the correct form and include the plans and particulars detailed within the form. The Development Management section may request further details prior to validation depending on the particular case. The appropriate fee should be enclosed with the application.

Whilst we endeavour to reply back to you within 10 working days, either by sending you an acknowledgement that your application has been registered or by informing you that we require more information (Invalid Letter). We ask that you allow 20 working days to cover busy periods and leave. If You have not heard after this period of time, can you please ring us on 01562 732928 to enquire regarding the status of your application.

Local Validation List

The Local Validation List provides a list of required supporting information for each application type and will assist applicants and their agents when submitting an application and ensures the right information is submitted, thereby allowing the Council the ability to register and process your application more efficiently and help to reduce the number of applications being made invalid. 

The required supporting documentation consists of the mandatory national information requirements, specified in The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 and the Local Planning Authority’s local information requirements.

View Local Validation List 

The Determination Process

Once submitted we have 8 weeks (13 weeks for major applications or less for certain other applications) to determine the application taking account of policies within the Development Plan and other policy documents, consultee responses, neighbour comments and other material considerations. If we fail to reach a decision within this time limit there is the right of appeal against non-determination.

Normally we will consult neighbours and other relevant bodies seeking views on the particular application - view advice on how to comment.

To view and comment on a current planning application or view historic planning applications please visit the online planning page. Details of submitted documents, along with decision notices and officer reports are available.

Although some applications can be dealt with by planning officers under powers delegated to them by the Council, others are dealt with at the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee is open to the public and permits public speaking under certain circumstances. Read guidance on public speaking at planning committee.

View a schedule of committee dates and Officer Reports

The Decision

We will issue a notice either granting permission, granting conditional permission or refusing permission. In each case we will make it clear why the permission has been granted or refused and the reasons behind the imposition of any conditions.

If the applicant is aggrieved by the decision to refuse or impose conditions there is the right of appeal against this decision.

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