Planning and buildings
View and comment on planning applications
Planning Application 22/0226/EIA – Land at Comberton Road, Kidderminster
The Local Planning Authority received amendments to the plans and documents on Wednesday 11 September 2024, which are limited in nature and do not materially alter the proposed development. It is not considered that these minor changes that relate to internal junction design, materials and the outcomes of a financial viability exercise warrant a further re-consultation and would not prejudice any consultee or representative. All previous comments to the application will be fully considered and taken into account by the local planning authority. A cover letter has been submitted with the amendments that outlines the changes to the plans and documents
The Beeches
The Beeches appeal (21/0666/FUL - APP/R1845/W/21/328175) was allowed and that a 3 year temporary consent and the Council are taking active steps to market the allocated site.
Planning fees
Planning fees increased nationally on 5 December 2023.
Copies of planning permission decision notices
Copies of all planning application plans and decision notices made from 2006 onwards are available online at zero cost. Search applications.
Older decision notices are available at a fee by contacting
Contact us
If your query is about an invalid letter, or relates to how to submit a planning application or you would like further information on planning fees, please contact the Planning Technical Support Unit on 01562 732506 or email
If you have any other questions, please contact the development management team
If your enquiry relates to a specific planning application please contact the case officer listed on the application directly.
Planning application forms
Apply online for any type of planning permission via the Planning Portal
If you are unable to apply online and would rather download and print an application form the Planning Portal has a paper form selector.
Please also see our planning application checklist on the requirements for other additional information that may be required with your application. These can be found in appendix 2 of our Supplementary Planning Document on Planning Obligations.