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Local land charge search

What is a Local Land Charges search?

A Local Land Charges Search forms part of the conveyancing process and is carried out to ascertain if there are any matters affecting the property or land, which a prospective purchaser should be aware of. It is designed to protect potential purchasers of property and will tell them about agreements and restrictions which might affect their decision to go ahead with the purchase.

The first part of the search – the LLC1 form - will reveal all the charges registered against the property, for example: Conditional Planning Permissions; Smoke Control Orders; and Tree Preservation Orders. These charges are binding on successive owners of the property or land.  This part of the search is provide by HM Land Registry and is accessed through a new digital service Portal, Business Gateway and on HM Land Registry’s GOV.UK pages.

The second part of the search – the CON29 form - will provide other relevant information which is held by the various departments of the Council such as Local Plan information, road adoptions, nearby road schemes and notices, under the Planning Acts.  This part of the search is provide by us and our fees are noted below.

2024 - 2025

Residential and Commercial searches

Local Land Charges Register

As of 19 April 2024, our Local Land Charges Register will have migrated to HM Land Registry's national register.

You will be able to access a new digital service through Portal, Business Gateway and on HM Land Registry’s GOV.UK pages.

We will continue to provide the replies to the Con29 and Con29O enquiries, and our fees are as follows

Land charges - residential and commercial
Description Fee before VAT Fee inclusive of VAT
Fee in respect of one property/parcel of land Con 29 £141.01 £169.21
Each additional residential/commercial property/parcel of land Con 29 £21.97 £26.36
Con290 Optional Enquiries Questions Fee before VAT Fee inclusive of VAT
Optional enquiries except questions 4, 16, and 22 £25.54 £30.65

Question 4 Road Proposals by Private Bodies

A reply to this enquiry requires substantial research. It would be necessary to identify all planning application proposals approved within 200 meters of the property; establish, by examination of the approved plans and drawings, which of these proposals included road works of the type described in Enquiry 4; and ascertain, where such works were included, whether or not the works have been completed for which a survey may be necessary. The Council do not have the resources to undertake this research. The Register of Planning applications is available for inspection should you wish to appoint your own consultant to undertake this work.

Prospective purchasers are advised to check planning policy documents and relevant Neighbourhood Plans on the Council's website in case of emerging proposals for the highways network, as these fall outside of the scope of local search enquiries.

4.(b) County Highways have confirmed they will respond to this enquiry relating to Section 278 agreements.  Please refer this enquiry direct to

Question 16 Mineral Consultation - Wyre Forest District Council do not hold this information, please email

Question 22 Commons - Wyre Forest District Council are unable to respond to Q22, please email

A standard search comes with the assurance and insurance that all responses have been investigated and authenticated by the Local Authority and signed by the Proper Officer.

Full search application

Apply online or download application form

Search requests are usually received from the Solicitor or Licensed Conveyancer acting for the purchaser of a property.

Personal search companies and members of the public can inspect records to provide answers to search questions; however these are the responsibility of the searcher and are not covered by the Council's guarantee.

Search forms are available from Legal stationers or use the quick form above.

We cover the area inside the Wyre Forest District Council boundary.

If you do not have access to a suitable plan, telephone our office and we will help you.

Yes, we require an A4 size plan with the property to be searched on clearly outlined in red.

From 2006, all planning applications and decisions are available on our Online Planning Applications webpage.

Copies of planning applications prior to 2006 and building control certificates prior to 2012 can be requested by emailing please include the relevant reference number.  Any copies provided will incur a fee in line with the Council's adopted Fees and Charges. Planning Fees

For copies of building control certificates from 2012 onwards please email

Please note copies of building regulation certificates are only available to building owners or their appointed agents and at the discretion of the local authority.  Evidence to provide ownership may be required.

A Personal Search  is an inspection of the Local Land Charge Register accessed through a new digital service Portal, Business Gateway and on HM Land Registry’s GOV.UK pages.

More information on personal searches.

No, please contact:

Severn Trent Searches PO Box 10155 Nottingham NG1 9HQ

Tel: 0115 971 3550

Email Severn Trent

No, information is available from:

The Environment Agency, Upper Severn Area, Midlands Region, Hafren House, Welshpool Road, Shelton, Shrewsbury SY3 8BB

Tel: 01743 272828

A search reply will only relate to the status of the roadways, footways and footpaths named in the property address given in Box B on the CON29 form. If you wish to have information regarding any other roads that abut your property you will need to name them in Box C (subject to a maximum of three additional roads) and clearly mark them on your search plan.

No, HM Land Registry deal with land and property ownership. More information is available on their website.

To contact Land Charges staff email us and we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.

To enable us to maintain standards for our customers, we always welcome feedback at any time.

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