Land charges source information
Ancient Monuments
For further information please refer to the Historic England website
Search the List - Find listed buildings, monuments, battlefields and more | Historic England
Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 S.69 High Trees
Further information can be found on our planning website
Simple Search (
Article 4 Directions
To request a copy please email
Copies provided will incur a fee in line with the Council’s adopted Fees and Charges.
Asset of Community Value
Further information can be found on our website
Assets of Community Value | Wyre Forest District Council (
Building over Agreements
For further information please email Severn Trent
Compulsory Purchase Orders
To request a copy please email
Copies provided will incur a fee in line with the Council’s adopted Fees and Charges.
Conservation Areas
Further information can be found on our website
Conservation areas in Wyre Forest | Wyre Forest District Council (
Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000 S.16
For further information please refer to the website
Open access land: management, rights and responsibilities - GOV.UK (
or email Natural England Open Access Contact Centre
The Council does not hold copies of these covenants. For further information please refer to the title deeds held by the owner or Land Registry.
Housing Demands for Payment
For further information please email
Enforcement & Breach of Condition
For further information please email
Forestry Commission Restocking Notices
For further information please email the Forestry Commission – Forest Services
Highways Section 38 Agreements
To request a copy please email Worcestershire County Council's Legal Services. Please note that copies may incur a fee.
Housing Grants
For further information please email
Housing Notices
For further information please email
Listed Buildings
Further information can be found on the Historic England website
Search the List - Find listed buildings, monuments, battlefields and more | Historic England
Oil Pipelines & Work Consents
Exolum Pipeline System own and operate high pressure oil/fuel pipelines around the UK. To find out the location of their pipeline system and to get an official response to your enquiry please complete a free online LinesearchbeforeUdig (LSBUD) search ( and follow the instructions contained in the LSBUD report. Alternatively, please contact Fisher German on 0845 0701245 or send an e-mail to
Planning Applications & Decisions
From 2006 details can be found on the planning website Simple Search (
If it is not available or cannot be found, please email
Requests for copies of will incur a fee in line with Councils adopted Fees and Charges
Planning Agreements ie: Section 52/106
These agreements are generally filed with the planning approval they relate too. These can be viewed on the planning website Simple Search (
If it is not available or cannot be found, please email
Requests for copies of will incur a fee in line with Councils adopted Fees and Charges
Site of Special Scientific Interest
Further information can be found on the GOV.UK website
Sites of special scientific interest: managing your land - GOV.UK (
Smoke Control Orders
To request a copy please email
Requests for copies of will incur a fee in line with Councils adopted Fees and Charges
Tree Preservation Orders
You can view the extent of a TPO on the Councils online map Aurora (
To request a copy please email
Requests for copies will incur a fee in line with the Council’s adopted Fees and Charges
Waste Land Notices
Section 215 Town and Country Planning Act
For further information please email
Water Authority Act 1982 section 40
For further information please contact Severn Trent,