Planning fees
Planning applications
You can calculate the fee required using the fee calculator on the Planning Portal. or download a guide to the fees for planning applications in England (pdf 143KB)
Fees are payable on submission of an application.
How to pay
Fees can be paid on the Planning Portal at the time of an online application; via our online payments; or by enclosing a cheque (payable to Wyre Forest District Council) with a postal application.
Charging for pre-application advice
Proposed development type | Cost |
Householder | £44.00 |
Biodiversity, protected species, biodiversity net gain related advice
Size of development | Charges inclusive of VAT |
Small Scale Developments (including one site meeting) | £69.00 |
Major Scale Developments (including one site meeting) | £138.00 |
Residential development including conversions
Number of dwellings | Fee for the first three meetings (if only principle to be discussed developer to provide indicative capacity) |
1 dwelling | £122.00 |
2 - 3 dwellings | £340.00 |
4 - 5 dwellings | £457.00 |
6 - 7 dwellings | £669.00 |
8 -9 dwellings | £911.00 |
10 - 24 dwellings | £1,216.00 |
25 - 49 dwellings | £1,945.00 |
50 - 74 dwellings | £2,431.00 |
75 - 99 dwellings | £3,161.00 |
100 - 149 dwellings | £3,889.00 |
150 - 199 dwellings | £3,956.00 |
200 - 299 dwellings | £5,106.00 |
300 - 499 dwellings | £5,835.00 |
500+ dwellings | £6,321.00 |
Non-residential/commercial development
Gross floor area proposed | Cost |
Up to 75m2 | £0.00 |
76m2 - 249m2 | £183.00 |
250m2 - 499m2 | £365.00 |
500m2 - 999m2 | £791.00 |
1,000m2 - 2,499m2 | £1,945.00 |
2,500m2 - 4,999m2 | £3,039.00 |
5,000m2 - 9,999m2 | £4,133.00 |
10,000m2+ | £5,835.00 |
Proposed development type | Cost |
Advertisements | £91.00 |
Change of use | £183.00 |
Telecommunications | £273.00 |
Glasshouses/Poly-tunnels | £97.00 |
Others (Includes other development proposals such as variation or removal of conditions-proposed changes of use, car parks and certificates of lawfulness.) | £91.00 |
Installation of solar farm/panels | £92.00 |
Historic environment and tree related enquiries
Proposed development type | Cost |
Separate Listed Building and Conservation Area Advice (Up to three separate matters) | £72.00 |
Cost of each additional matter to be considered | £19.00 |
The separate matters must be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any payment being made.
Proposed development type | Cost |
Separate Tree Related Enquires - Number of trees not exceeding 10 | £72.00 |
Number of trees over 10 but not exceeding 30 | £146.00 |
The Local Planning Authority will only provide advice in respect of trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order or trees within a Conservation Area.
You can make payments in any of the following ways;
- Call Wyre Forest District Council main reception 01562 732101
- By BACS (bank transfer)
- Lloyds Banks
1Vicar Street
DY10 1DE
Sort code: 30-94-70
Account number: 02032407
Account name: Wyre Forest District Council - Collectors Account
Payee: Wyre Forest District Council
- Lloyds Banks
- Online
Reply to general individual queries, Planning or Building Control for up to 6 questions (after that the full Local Land Charge Search fee will be charged)
£34.00 per question
If any query requires a site visit to be made (e.g. compliance with conditions)
Monthly Decision List
Weekly Planning Application List
Decision Notices
Decision Notices additional copies
Copy documents (A4)
£1.90 per copy
Copy documents (A3)
£1.90 per copy
Copy documents (A2)
Copy documents (A1)
Copy documents (A0)
Copies, where appropriate, are available free up to a cumulative single transaction value of £10 for individuals (the discretion of Director of Service to be applied in cases of multiple separate transactions) and charged at full cost to representatives of professional and/or commercial companies.
Copies of all planning application plans and decision notices made from 2006 onwards are available online at zero cost.
Please use this option to pay for copies of plans and solicitor enquires. Please only use this function when advised to do so by the Planning team.