Local plan hearing sessions
Matters 7,8,10, and 11 - Live Streaming
The hearing sessions were scheduled to open at 9.30 am on Monday 11 January 2021 and ran over a four week period.
The hearing sessions were held virtually and were available to view via live stream.
For further information on the sessions please see the documents listed below:-
Programme and Participants for the Hearing Sessions V.2 (4.1.21)
Inspector’s Guidance Notes on the Virtual Hearing Sessions
WFDC Virtual Hearings Guidance 10 Key Points
ED22 Inspector’s Update - Consultation on additional evidence documents
ED16 Inspector's Matters Issues and Questions for the Hearing Sessions
ED17 Inspector's Guidance Notes
Hearing Statements and Responses to the Consultation on Matter 11:
Responses to the Consultation on Matter 11
Matters 6(iii) and Matter 6(iv)
Privacy Statements
Wyre Forest District Council privacy statement
Planning Inspectorate Privacy Statement