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Supplementary Planning Documents

Supplementary Planning Documents / Guidance (SPDs/SPGs) set out more detail to guide the implementation of specific policies or the development of certain sites or areas.  Supplementary Planning Documents are capable of being a 'material consideration' in determining planning applications but they are afforded less weight than the Local Plan. 

Green infrastructure SPD - consultation ends Friday 28 February 2025

Planning obligations SPD - consultation ends Friday 7 February 2025.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) currently available:

Design, Amenity and Shopfronts SPD Adopted July 2024

Wyre Forest District is a considerably diverse area with particularly distinctive characteristics and heritage assets. It is important to aim for high quality design in any future development to both complement and enhance the local distinctiveness and create a high-quality environment.

Housing SPD (April 2024)

The purpose of this Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to add further detail to the policies in the local plan, giving greater clarity to developers and communities about the expectations for housing delivery in Wyre Forest.

Health and Wellbeing SPD (July 2023)

The design of the built environment can have a significant impact on both physical and mental wellbeing. Well-designed built environment can help to reduce health inequalities in Wyre Forest; while poor environmental quality, housing conditions or pollution can exacerbate them.

Planning Obligations SPD (September 2016)

The revised Planning Obligations SPD was adopted by Cabinet on 13th September 2016. The document clearly sets out the Council’s approach, policies and procedures in respect of the use of planning obligations.

Churchfields Masterplan SPD (September 2011)

A Masterplan has been prepared for the Churchfields area of Kidderminster. The purpose of the Masterplan is to set out a detailed design framework for the area to help guide new development.

Bridge Street Basins Link Development Brief (December 2005)

The District Council has produced a development brief for ‘Bridge Street Basins Link’ in Stourport-on-Severn to set out a series of more detailed planning requirements for the site and the key challenges and opportunities.

Supplementary Planning Guidance currently available:

Public Realm Design Guide for Stourport on Severn (November 2006)

The document provides public realm design guidance for Stourport-on-Severn. The Public Realm Design Guide is split into four sections:

Introduction and Baseline (3987K)

Conceptual Framework (2,988K)

Lighting Strategy and Design Codes (958K)

Implementation and Appendices (4,921K)

Wyre Forest Cycle Strategy SPG (April 2002)

The Cycling Strategy sets out the proposed cycle route network for the District and demonstrates a commitment to improving transport choice through the promotion of cycling in the District.

Stourport-on-Severn Severn Road Development Brief (July 2001)

The Severn Road area is identified as a key redevelopment opportunity adjacent to the town centre of Stourport-on-Severn. A Development Brief covering three sites, totalling an area of just over 10ha has been prepared. The aim is to achieve a high density, high quality and mixed-use area within the heart of Stourport-on-Severn.

Worcestershire County Council Landscape Character Assessment Supplementary Guidance (October 2011)

A Supplementary Guidance document has been produced to aid interpretation and application of the Worcestershire Landscape Character Assessment (LCA). The document has been prepared by Worcestershire County Council on behalf of the County Council and the six Worcestershire districts, and it is intended to supplement policies at a county and district level. The document was endorsed by the District Council's Planning Committee at their meeting on 13th December 2011 and as such is a material consideration in the determination on planning applications.


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