Local Plan examination
The Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016-2036) was formally adopted by Wyre Forest District Council on 26 April 2022.
Examination library
Full list of documents supporting the submitted Local Plan.
Representations received
Representations received in response to consultations on the version of the Local Plan submitted for examination.
Hearing sessions
Timetables, the Inspector’s matters and issues for discussion and examination guidance notes.
Hearing statements
Hearing Statements for Weeks 1-4.
Responses to consultation on matter 11
Responses on Appendices 1-10 of the Council’s Matter 11 statement.
Homework: documents arising out of hearing sessions
Additional WFDC documents arising out of hearing sessions
Main modifications consultation
The Planning Inspector has requested that the Council undertake a consultation on a number of Main Modifications required to make the Plan sound.