Examination news
The Inspector’s final report has been delivered to the Council which signifies the formal closure of the Examination of the Wyre Forest District Local Plan.
The Inspector has published an update note on the Main Modifications and this can be viewed in the Examination documents at ED51.
The Council have submitted an update to the 5 Year Housing Land Supply figures. The Inspector has invited comments from those who submitted hearing statement addressing the 5 Year Housing Land Supply and/or who took part in the hearing session covering this matter to comment in a written statement not exceeding 1.500 words to be submitted to the Programme Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 26 May 2021.This document can be viewed in our examination library reference ED48
Following the recent hearing sessions, the Inspector’s Advice note for the Council on the Draft Schedule of Main Modifications can be viewed at ED46 in the Examination documents.
The Council have updated their April 2020 housing trajectory (ED10A Appendix F). The updated trajectory (February 2020) can be viewed at ED41 in the Examination documents.
The Council have submitted a cumulative impact sustainability assessment of the two strategic sites Lea Castle and Kidderminster Eastern expansion. This document can be viewed in the Examination documents ED25.
The Council have replied to the Inspector’s further questions on G & T accommodation at ED23 and a Statement of Common Ground between the Council and the Canal & River Trust which has been submitted can be viewed at ED24.
The Inspector has published an update on the Examination and this can be viewed at ED22 in the Examination documents.
The Inspector has issued a note to the Council concerning the provision of Gypsy and Traveller accommodation in the Local Plan and this can be viewed in the Examination documents at ED21.
The hearing statements submitted in response to the Inspector’s Matters, Issues and Questions for Matters 6(iii)-6(v) and 7-11 have been uploaded to the Hearing Statementspage.
The Council have submitted a Green Belt Topic Paper, which replaces the Topic Paper ED2. The new Topic Paper can be viewed in the Examination documents at ED20
The hearing sessions have now been fixed to open at 9.30 on Monday 11 January 2021. The sessions will all be held virtually and for further information please see the Hearing Sessions page.
The Wyre Forest Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Assessment 2020 can be accessed in the Examination documents at ED15.
For an update on the Examination, please see the Inspector’s note at ED14 in the Examination documents
The Council’s reply to the Inspector’s initial questions and comments is available at ED7 in the Examination documents.
The Inspector’s initial questions and comments for the Council have now been published and can be viewed in the Examination Documents at ED6.
The Inspector has issued an update note which can be viewed in the Examination Documents at ED1.
Topic Papers and a Sustainability Appraisal update have been submitted by the Council and these are posted in the Examination documents with the references ED2-ED5.