Consultation on main modifications
Consultation is now closed
Consultation responses
Read responses to main modifications consultation
Consultation background
The Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016 - 2036) sets out the spatial development strategy for the district for a 20-year period up to 2036. The Local Plan examination commenced in April 2020 when the plan was submitted to Government. The examination hearing sessions were held in January/February 2021 under the direction of the Planning Inspector Ms M Travers BA(Hons) DipTP MRTPI.
The Planning Inspector has requested that the Council now undertake consultation on a number of Main Modifications required to make the Plan sound in light of issues identified during the examination. This is without prejudice to the Inspector's ultimate conclusions and recommendations on the Plan. The Main Modifications set out a series of changes required to resolve issues that make the Local Plan unsound or where it is not legally compliant.
The Council is now inviting comments, also known as representations, on the Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Submission version of the Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016 - 2036) (ED57), the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal of the main modifications to the Submission Wyre Forest District Local Plan (September 2021) (ED58) and the Schedule of proposed changes to the Policies Map to reflect the proposed main modifications to the draft Local Plan (July 2021) (ED59). All comments received will be considered as part of the public examination by the independent Planning Inspector. Please note this is not an opportunity to make comments on any other aspect of the Local Plan. At this stage, representations will only be accepted on the Proposed Main Modifications to the Local Plan, the accompanying Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal report, and the proposed changes to the Policies Map as set out in document ED59.
For further information on the consultation, please see our Statement of Representation Procedure.
What to respond to
Please only respond to the three consultation documents listed below ED57, ED58 and ED59. Responses to any other documents will not be accepted as 'duly made'.
Consultation documents
Please note these documents may not be suitable for users of assistive technologies and some are very lengthy and will not be suitable to view on a mobile device. Should you have any problems accessing these documents please contact the Planning Policy Team.
- ED57 - Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications to the Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016 - 2036) (September 2021)
- ED58 - Sustainability Appraisal of the main modifications to the Submission Wyre Forest District Local Plan (September 2021)
- ED59 - Schedule of proposed changes to the Policies Map to reflect the proposed main modifications to the draft Local Plan (July 2021)
Local Plan (2016-2036) Submission Document and Policies Map (January 2020)
- SD01 - Local Plan (2016-2036) Submission Document (excluding Policies Map)
- SD02 - Submission Policies Map (January 2020)
Additional supporting documents
There are a number of supporting documents to the consultation, which are for information only. They are listed as follows:
- ED53 - Schedule of Additional (Minor) Modifications to the Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016-2036) (July 2021)
- ED54 - Schedule of Appendix B Map updates (July 2021)
- ED55 - Correction Note for document SD03: Amendments to the Pre-Submission Policies Map (July 2021)
- ED56 - Wyre Forest District Council Five Year Housing Land Supply at 1st April 2021
Viewing the documents
The consultation documents are available to view from this website. Hard copies of the consultation documents will also be available for viewing at the following local libraries:
- Kidderminster Library
- Stourport-on-Severn Library
- Bewdley Library
Summary of key proposed main modifications
Main modifications reference number | Page number in document | Policy | Summary of proposed main modification |
MM5.1 | 24 | 5A – Sustainable Development | Entire Policy deleted as it paraphrases the NPPF and is not necessary to include in the Local Plan. Also, it may give rise to conflict with future amendments to NPPF. |
MM6.4 - 6.6 | 36 - 37 | 6A – development Needs 2016-36 | Over-allocation of housing changed from 15% to 20%, and total housing supply increased to 6715, mainly through amendment to the capacity of sites and reallocation from employment to housing. |
M8.1 | 55 - 56 | 8A – Housing Mix and Density | Density for all developments expected to minimum 35 dwellings per hectare (dph). Indicative densities added for Kidderminster town centre (70dph), Kidderminster near town centre and railway station (50+dph), Stourport (50dph) and Bewdley (35dph) |
MM8.2 | 58 | 8B – Affordable housing provision | Affordable housing provision required for ‘major development sites’ or sites in rural areas of more than 5 dwellings. (This is equivalent to the previous policy which required affordable housing for 10+homes or more than 0.5 hectare). |
MM8.2 | 60 | 8B – Affordable housing provision | Vacant building credit no longer requires site to not have been in continuous use for any 6 months for 5+ years. (This is unlikely to significantly affect the deliverability or sustainability of the policy). |
MM8.4 | 66 | 8C – Addressing Rural Housing Needs | Rural exception sites only permitted if 100% affordable. |
MM10.1 | 108 | 10A – A Diverse Local Economy | Small scale (<500 sqm gross) of retail, commercial or leisure uses in rural areas to be supported. (These points were moved from Policy 10B since Policy 10B is about town centre development. The policy clarifies that area is gross not net. No significant change overall). |
MM14.1 | 134 | 14 – Strategic Green Infrastructure | Land between Kidderminster and Stourport to be safeguarded and implemented as Burlish Country Park. Development proposals that would prejudice the provision of the country park will not be permitted. |
MM15.3 | 140 | 15B- Sewage Systems and Water Quality | Proposals should aim to improve water quality, not just protect it. Requested by Environment Agency (see SofCG in Examination Library SD10j). |
MM16.6 | 146 - 151 | 16B – Minerals and 16C – Waste | Reasoned justification lists site allocations where implications on waste management facilities and/or minerals need to be considered and measures possibly put in place. Requested by Worcestershire County Council (see Statement of Common Ground in Examination Library SD10a. |
MM18.2 | 156 | 18B – Residential Infill development | Infill development in villages and rural settlements should only be to meet local needs and should not be inappropriate development in the Green Belt. |
MM20.1 | 162 - 163 | 20A – Community Facilities | New information about requirements for community facilities. (This simply clarifies and documents what would happen in practice). |
MM22.1 | 191 | 22A – Town Centre Development | Removal of requirement for development in Primary Shopping Frontage area to not result in an adverse cluster of non-retail uses at ground floor level (the ‘more than two out of seven rule’ previously set out in the reasoned justification). |
MM22.7 | 195 | 22C – Change of Use from Retail to Alternative Uses | Removal of policy on change of use from retail to alternative uses to reflect Use Class Order Policy. (Policy removed). |
MM22.8 | 196 | 22D – Local Shops | As MM10.1, also existing retail and commercial units in village or neighbourhood centres to be safeguarded. |
MM27.11 | 243 - 244 | 27E – Wyre Forest Waterways | Policy changed from overall promotion of a canal towpath to a statement that development in proximity to the canal should develop a pedestrian and cycle route. |
MM30.6 | 255 | 30.5 – Land at Bromsgrove Street (Lion Fields) | Change of allocation to include Creative Hub and rationalisation of car parking. |
MM30.7 | 263 | 30.6 – Timber Yard Park Lane | Information added about design of future canal footbridge. Also see ED59 PM.9 (page 10). |
MM30.10 | 268 | 30.11 – Sladen School Site | Site allocated for mixed use (school and residential) rather than solely residential. Also see ED59 PM.11 (page 12) |
MM30.13 | 275 | 30.16 – Severn Grove Shops | Removal of requirement to replace shopping facilities. Also see ED59 PM.14 (page 15) |
MM30.17 | 281 | 30.21 – Land at Low Habberley | Addition of requirement that the impact of development on the nature reserve and Local Wildlife Site at Habberley Valley should be balanced through biodiversity net gain and impact on bats and brown hare need to be considered |
MM30.18 | 282 - 284 | 30.22 – Land rear of Zortech Avenue | Site to be allocated for gypsy and traveller accommodation instead of employment. Also see ED59 PM.17 (page 18) |
MM30.19 | 284 - 285 | 30.24 – Rock Works | Change of allocation from carpet heritage to residential to reflect planning permission. Also see ED59 PM.18 (page 19) |
MM30.25 | 292 - 293 | 30.29 – Former Burlish Course Clubhouse | Allocated for travelling show people, needs drainage and sewerage measures to be agreed, and the scale of development should meet only the specific housing needs of the existing family. |
MM31.3 | 303 | 31.2 – Lea Castle Village Principles of Development | Requirement for a heritage survey added. |
MM32.3 | 316 | 32.2 – Comberton Lodge Nursery | Site to remain in Green Belt. Also see page 22-3 of ED59 for site mapping amendments (PM.21 -22) |
MM33.4 | 334 | 33.4 – Queens Road Shops | Removal of requirement to replace shopping facilities if parade of shops is demolished as part of redevelopment scheme. Also see ED59 PM.23 (page 24). |
MM33.14 | 356 - 358 | 33.18 – Parsons Chain | Change of allocation from mixed use to residential with care home. Also see ED59 PM.29 (page 30) |
MM34.2 | 365 - 367 | 34.1 – Bewdley Fire Station | Change of allocation from residential to food store with residential apartments above to reflect planning approval. See ED59 PM.32 (page 33) |
MM34.4 | 371 - 375 | 34.3 – Catchem’s End | Western parcel of land adjacent to All Saints Church to remain in the Green Belt as public open space. Also see ED59 PM.34 (page 35) |
MMA.1 | 410 - 413 | Annex 1 | The NPPF (para 21) requires Local Plans to make explicit which policies are strategic policies. Annex 1 sets out the strategic policies in the Local Plan. |
How to respond
The consultation period runs from 9am Thursday 14 October 2021 to 12pm Friday 26 November 2021.
Responses to the Main Modifications of the Local Plan (ED57), the accompanying Main Modifications Sustainability Appraisal report (ED58), or the proposed changes to the Policies Map (ED59) can be submitted:
- By comments online using our consultation portal (this is the preferred method and instructions on how to use it can be found on the portal help page); or
- By downloading the response form and returning it:
- by email to:; or
- by post to: Planning Policy Team, Wyre Forest District Council, Wyre Forest House, Finepoint Way, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 7WF
Please see our Guidance Note for further details on responding to the consultation.
Duplicate responses will not be accepted, and all responses must be received by 12pm on Friday 26 November 2021. Responses received after this date will not be taken into account.
Please note that responses will need to be processed and will not be published on the Council's website until after the consultation.
We will only use the information you provide in your response for the purpose of this consultation. Please note that your name, organisation, system ID and response will be made publicly available once we publish responses. Your contact details will not be published but may be shared with the Programme Officer if she needs to contact you about your response or invite you to any further hearing sessions that the Inspector may require. For more details on how we use your information, please see the Council's Privacy Statement.
Next Steps
All comments and representations will be made publicly available on our website, but personal details will be redacted. Anonymous responses will not be accepted. All valid comments will be forwarded to the Programme Officer for consideration by the Inspector.
Further details
For further details on the Local Plan, please contact the Planning Policy Team by email:
Any queries concerning the Examination, and any matters that anyone wishes to raise with the Inspector should be submitted via the Programme Officer, Louise St John Howe.
Address: Louise St John Howe, Programme Officer, PO Services, PO Box 10965, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 3BF
Phone: 07789486419