Street name and numbering privacy notice
Data we collect
The information we collect varies according to the purpose but would comprise some or all of the following:
- Name
- Address
- Contact details
- Property ownership
Why we collect and use this information
- Statutory requirements
- Service delivery e.g. allocation of street names and property numbers
- Service improvement and planning
- Financial transactions
Why we are allowed to use your data
Legal obligation or public task under various UK laws including but not limited to:
- Public Health Act 1925
- Towns Improvements Clauses Act 1847
Who we can share your data with
We do not share your data as a matter of course during the process of your application, however, if requested we may have to share your data with the following:
- Judicial Agencies e.g. Courts
- Police
- Government departments
- Council Tax / Business Rates department
When computers make any decisions about you
Not applicable
When your data gets sent to other countries
Not applicable
Further information
For enquiries about this privacy notice and for deletion of data held under consent please email Planning Policy