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Performance management framework

Currently under review May 2024

Refreshed April 2020

What is performance management?

  1. Performance management is about making sure we deliver:
  • the right services
  • at the right time
  • in the right way
  • at the right price

It is also about improving services - “taking action in response to actual performance to make outcomes better than they would otherwise be” (IDeA).

  1. It applies to everyone within the organisation as well as our external partners, with whom we provide an increasing number of services.
  2. Performance management follows the sequence of Plan Do Review.
  • Plan means being clear about what we are setting out to achieve and how we are going to achieve it
  • Do means putting our plans into action in the most efficient and effective way
  • Review means monitoring results to ensure that:
  • we achieve what was planned and to the agreed standard
  • we can compare our performance with other service providers and with our own past achievements to show trends
  • we have relevant and timely information to feed back into the planning process
  • we can inform stakeholders accordingly
  1. Our Performance Management Framework sets out how we put this into practice.


    • Vision
      • Corporate vision and values
    • Planning
      • Plans and priorities for terms and service teams
    • Commitment
      • Ownership and resources


    • Action and results
      • Standards, targets, measures and outcomes


    • Review and response
      • Action and communication

Appendix 1 summarises Member and officer performance management roles and responsibilities.

Appendix 2 lists reporting arrangements for various Council and Partnership plans and strategies.


Performance management begins with a clear vision.

The Council’s corporate Vision is contained in our Corporate Plan for 2019-23:

Wyre Forest is a network of thriving and confident communities which minimise their impact on the environment, where people have a decent and affordable home, feel safe and enjoy a good quality of life. 

This Vision is underpinned by our agreed values, which influence the way we work and lie at the heart of everything we do:

Our Values

Be honest

  • We are honest, say what we mean and are always courteous
  • We challenge others' ideas constructively and respect decisions once made

Invest in our workforce

  • We identify what skills are needed and develop our employees
  • We understand our development is a shared responsibility and give ourselves time to learn

Be supportive

  • We work together and openly help each other
  • We encourage a supportive environment

The Council’s priorities are set out in the Corporate Plan and are informed by national and regional priorities as well as those of the Sustainable Community Strategies for the district and county.

Service Standards, Focus areas for Improvement, Measures, Service Outdoors

  1. National priorities - Central Government
  2. Regional priorities - West Midlands region
  3. Community/area priorities - District and county sustainable community strategies
  4. Council priorities - Corporate Plan
  5. Council action - Annual Wyre Forest Forward programme of work
  6. Individual performance - My development review scheme

The Council’s focus must be how we and our partners can achieve positive outcomes for our communities - to improve their quality of life and the services we provide for them.

When planning, the Council must ensure it understands the District, our communities and their needs based on a detailed knowledge of key demographic data/customer satisfaction and perceptions. As a Community Leader, the Council should engage with and share information, where applicable, with partners. 

We must also be aware of available resources, anticipated risks and levels of current performance when setting Priorities and developing Plans.

The Council’s services are delivered through plans and strategies at all levels, both independently and in partnership with other service providers. Our Wyre Forest Forward Annual Programme of Work (no. 5 above) are the principal means of delivering services on the ground, and provide a link between our high-level Vision and strategic priorities and team/individual performance. 

Our Priorities

The Council has agreed 3 priorities in its Corporate Plan for 2019-23, which support the corporate Vision.

  • safe, clean and green living environment 
  • Supporting a successful local economy
  • Good quality and affordable homes for all

Organisational commitment is demonstrated through the allocation of responsibilities and resources.

Members’ responsibilities are set out in the Council’s Constitution and the Political Structure. Officers’ responsibilities are contained in the Constitution, Job Descriptions and the Wyre Forest Forward Annual Programme of Work developed alongside the annual budget process.

Ownership of responsibility is further supported by:

  • The My Development Review scheme to link organisational targets and actions with those of individual employees
  • Commitment to training and development through the Annual Training Plan and Training Budget
  • Adoption of a competency-based management development framework

A summary of performance management roles is given in Appendix 1

Financial resources are allocated to the Council’s Priorities through the Medium Term Financial Strategy and annual Revenue and Capital Budgets. Resources provided by other bodies are secured through external funding bids. 

Commitments towards achieving District and County Sustainable Community Strategy priorities is demonstrated through membership of Boards, Task Groups and Officer Working Groups.


Services are delivered in accordance with our strategies and plans, having regard to the following:

  • Service standards (where agreed), published to inform stakeholders of the minimum level of service to be expected
  • SMART action targets to achieve planned improvements in service levels
  • Measures to monitor service-delivery in practice and to help focus attention on areas most in need of improvement
  • Strategic outcomes, for example increased prosperity or community safety

Dedicated performance management software (Pentana Performance) helps to provide consistency and better access to information regarding ownership, service activity and measures, and to improve monitoring and reporting procedures.

A Data Quality Strategy has also been developed to ensure the proper collection, recording, analysis and reporting of data for performance management purposes.


Feedback and other information generated in delivering services enables us to actively monitor performance and report as necessary to Committees, management & operational teams, individuals, members of the public and external agencies. This is undertaken in accordance with the frequencies shown in Appendix 2

Results of service performance are published internally and externally in the Council’s Overview & Scrutiny Committee reports.

Reviewing and taking corrective action are essential steps as they distinguish performance management from performance monitoring. Action taken is recorded to provide an audit trail and evidence of improvement, and could include any or all of the following:

  • Reassessing the need for a particular service
  • Re-designing standards, measures and targets
  • Reviewing systems and processes
  • Re-evaluating resource requirements

Customer feedback is used to support the review process, while benchmarking with other service providers helps to set Council performance into context by comparing processes and measure results, for example when carrying out service reviews or value-for-money exercises.

Implementation of this Framework is overseen by the Corporate Leadership Team.



Appendix One - Performance Management Roles
Who Role When
Full Council
  • Approving Council plans and strategies
  • Agreeing the Budget and confirming our priorities
  • As required
  • Annually (Feb/Mar)
  • Endorsing new plans and strategies for Council approval
  • Formulating the Budget and Annual Priorities for Council approval
  • Monitoring progress with annual priorities
  • Monitoring other plans and strategies
  • As required

  • Annually (Oct-Feb)

  • Monthly
  • As required
Individual cabinet members
  • Monitoring measures and action targets for relevant services in consultation with Directorates
  • Continuous
Group leaders
  • Approving Wyre Forest Forward Programme of Work
  • Annually
Scrutiny committees
  • Monitoring progress with:
  • Annual Priorities
  • Measures
  • Wyre Forest Forward annual programme of work
  • Quarterly - highlight / exceptions
Corporate Leadership Team (CLT)
  • Agreeing plans and strategies for Cabinet endorsement
  • Monitoring progress reports for Cabinet consideration and overseeing corrective action
  • As required

  • Monthly
  • Producing plans and strategies for CMT agreement
  • Implementing plans and strategies
  • Monitoring progress with implementation and determining corrective action where necessary
  • As required

  • Continuous
  • Continuous
Section managers
  • Monitoring the Section’s performance, taking corrective action where necessary and giving feedback to relevant officers
  • Continuous
All employees
  • Individual performance, including agreeing personal goals and measures
  • Giving ‘bottom up’ feedback and contributing to service improvement both generally and through the My Development Review scheme
  • Responsibility for the quality of all data they handle
  • Continuous

  • Continuous

  • Continuous


  • Actively contributing to plans and strategies
  • Monitoring and reporting progress
  • Taking corrective action where necessary
  • Continuous
  • Continuous
  • Continuous

Service area/ performance information Internally Committees / Ext. Responsible Directorate
Frequency Where Frequency Where
1. Leading measures Monthly CLT
  • Quarterly
  • Quarterly
  • CLT/Cabinet
  • Scrutiny

Chief Executive Directorate

2. Lagging measures Quarterly CLT
  • Quarterly
  • Quarterly
  • CLT/Cabinet
  • Scrutiny
Chief Executive Directorate
3. Wyre Forest Forward programme of work Quarterly/monthly CLT/group leaders
  • Annual

  • Quarterly
  • Quarterly
  • CLT/Cabinet and Council
  • CLT/Cabinet
  • Scrutiny
Chief Executive Directorate
4. Data quality As and when required Where appropriate     Chief Executive Directorate
5. Risk register Quarterly CLT Quarterly Audit Committee Chief Executive Directorate
6. Internal audit reports Quarterly CLT Quarterly Audit Committee Chief Executive Directorate
7. Corporate governance framework Bi-annual CLT Bi-annual Audit Committee Chief Executive Directorate
8. Budget (spending)





    Chief Executive Directorate
9. My Development Review Annually All     Chief Executive Directorate
 10. Annual review Annual CLT Annual Council Chief Executive Directorate



A measurement or standard that serves as a point of reference by which performance is measured. A structured approach for identifying the best practices and more efficient and effective processes

A measurable, external consequence attributed to an organisation, policy, program or initiative (i.e. the results of activities and outputs)

The product (goods, money, materials or services) of an activity

Quantitative or qualitative monitoring of a service

Objectives or targets which are the most important for the organisation or individual to deliver

Minimum level of service to be provided and which service users can reasonably expect

The level of performance that the organisation or individual aims to achieve

The beliefs within the organisation as demonstrated through the day-to-day behaviours of all employees. An organisation's values make an open proclamation about how it expects everyone to behave

A statement that captures what the organisation wants to achieve overall in the longer-term (5 – 10 years)

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