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Publication scheme 'What our priorities are and how we are doing'

Performance management


We aim to deliver public services which meet the needs of the community and provide value for money.

Performance monitoring

The collaborative approach with a golden thread in council performance management combines teamwork across departments with a clear, continuous focus on strategic goals. This method ensures that every activity is aligned with the council’s overarching objectives, enhancing efficiency, transparency, and community service delivery through unified efforts.

We have a number of processes in place to monitor our performance including:



In the context of the Pentana management system, measures are specific metrics used to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, and performance of various aspects of an organization. Measures are quantitative tools that provide data on how well different parts of the organization are functioning. They can be financial, operational, or related to other key performance areas.


Actions within Pentana refer to the tasks or steps that need to be taken to achieve a specific objective or to address issues identified during assessments or audits. Actions are derived from insights gained through performance measurement and risk assessments, aiming to improve processes, mitigate risks, or enhance compliance.

Performance indicators

Performance indicators, or key performance indicators (KPIs), are specific types of measures that are used to evaluate the success of an organization in achieving its primary objectives. These indicators are vital for assessing critical success factors and are often aligned with strategic goals. Performance indicators can be leading (predictive of future performance) or lagging (indicative of past performance).

Performance management

This is the broader process that encompasses the setting of goals, continuous monitoring of performance through the use of measures and indicators, and the implementation of actions to improve or correct performance. In Pentana, performance management is a structured approach ensuring that organizational activities meet the defined strategic goals and are executed efficiently.

Annual audits

Annual audit information is contained within our Financial Strategy. In addition, regular reports are provided to the Corporate Leadership Team, Cabinet and Scrutiny Committees. Employees and the public are kept up to date with news releases and bulletins.

Wyre Forest peer review

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