Major planning applications
Major applications are often more complex than other forms of applications that we receive and require more extensive consultation with interested bodies and the public.
As a result of dealing with a more complex series of issues, the applications can take slightly longer to determine than a normal application (we have a 13 week target for determination) and often we will undertake a series of negotiations to resolve technical issues relating to the proposed development. Some larger major applications may involve an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which has a 16 week target for determination.
What is a major planning application?
A major planning application is:
- The creation of 10 or more residential units.
- Residential development of on a site of 0.5 hectares or more (where the number of residential units is not yet known i.e. for outline applications)
- Non-Residential development or change of use on a site of at least 1 hectare
- Creation or change of use of 1000 square metres or more of gross floor space (not including housing)
View applications
You can search for major applications being currently considered by the Council through the ‘Advanced Search’ on the Council’s Public Access system, by selecting ‘Development Type’.