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Council democratic structure

Wyre Forest District Council operates with a Strong Leader model. Decisions are made by the Leader and Cabinet. The Cabinet is formed by the Leader, and has responsibility for the executive functions of the Council.

headshot of male wearing a blur suit, shirt and tie.The Leader of the Council provides political and strategic direction for the District Council. The current Leader of the Council is Marcus Hart. He was elected to Wyre Forest District Council in 2002 and currently represents the Wyre Forest Rural Ward. Marcus was appointed as Leader of the Council on Wednesday 17 May 2023. Marcus previously served as Leader of the Council from 2014 to 2019. See past leaders of the Council.


May 2023

The Cabinet

Each of the Cabinet Members takes a lead responsibility for a particular area of work, such as strategy; housing, health and wellbeing; operational services; economic regeneration, planning and the green agenda; culture, leisure, arts and community safety; finance and capital portfolio.

The Cabinet meets regularly at Wyre Forest House. The meetings are webcast and members of the public and other elected members can attend and put questions direct to the Cabinet.

The agenda for their meeting is published online the week before the meeting.

We also publish a forward plan, which lists the key decisions likely to be taken by the Cabinet and Council. It also identifies who, if anyone, will be consulted before the decision is taken.

Councillor Marcus Hart

  • Strategic policy co-ordination
  • National and regional influence
  • Partnerships, policy and performance
  • Relations with parish councils
  • Communications and branding

Email address:

Councillor Ben Brookes

  • Parks and open spaces
  • Grounds Maintenance
  • Waste Reduction
  • Refuse Collection & Recycling
  • Fleet Management
  • Street Cleansing
  • Public Conveniences
  • Parking Services
  • Cemeteries
  • Health and safety

Email address:

Councillor Ian Hardiman

  • Strategic Housing, Private Sector Housing and homelessness
  • Water Management
  • Health and wellbeing, community development

Email address:

Councillor Dan Morehead

  • Economic Development and Regeneration
  • Town Centres
  • Tourism
  • Implementation of major regeneration projects, including Future High Streets Fund and Levelling Up Fund projects
  • Sustainability
  • Council’s response to the green agenda and climate emergency
  • Spatial Planning including Local Plan
  • Development Management
  • Land charges
  • Building Control

Email address:

Councillor Tracey Onslow

  • Cultural and leisure services
  • Countryside service
  • Community Safety
  • Regulatory services
  • Localism agenda including asset transfers
  • Emergency planning
  • Safeguarding
  • Relations with voluntary sector

Email address:

Councillor David Ross

  • Finance and audit
  • Revenues and benefits
  • Commercial income generation
  • Information and Communication Technology, digital services
  • Democratic services
  • Human resources
  • Customer Services
  • Legal services
  • Building maintenance, estate and facilities management including Wyre Forest House
  • Equality and diversity
  • Capital portfolio fund
  • Wyre Forest Lottery

Email address:

Full Council is made up of all members of the Council. It meets 5 times per year and is responsible for agreeing the main policies and priorities for all services, including the council's budget.

Overview and Scrutiny and Audit Committees can examine decisions of the Cabinet and/or Cabinet Members in more depth, investigate key issues of public concern, and recommend action to the Cabinet and the Council. Section 10 of the Constitution details the procedure rules for scrutiny.

A number of other committees report directly to the Full Council. These cover regulatory and other functions such as Planning; Licensing and Environmental; Appointments and Appeals.  Full details of all committees

Section 5 of our Constitution details the separation of, and responsibility for, functions for all committees.

Past Leaders of the Council

2022 - 2023 - Helen Dyke
2021 - 2022 - Helen Dyke
2020 - 2021 - Graham W. Ballinger
2019 - 2020 - Graham W. Ballinger
2018 - 2019 - Marcus J. Hart
2017 - 2018 - Marcus J. Hart
2016 - 2017 - Marcus J. Hart
2015 - 2016 - Marcus J. Hart
2014 - 2015 - Marcus J. Hart
2013 - 2014 - John Campion
2012 - 2013 - John Campion
2011 - 2012 - John Campion
2010 - 2011 - John Campion
2009 - 2010 - John Campion
2008 - 2009 - John Campion
2007 – 2008 - John Campion
2006 – 2007 - Stephen J. M. Clee
2005 – 2006 - Stephen J. M. Clee
2004 – 2005 - Stephen J. M. Clee
2003 – 2004 - Howard J. Martin
2002 – 2003 - Elizabeth M. Davies
2001 – 2002 - Michael M. G. Oborski
2000 – 2001 - Michael M. G. Oborski
1999 – 2000 - No Leader
1998 – 1999 - James A. Shaw
1997 – 1998 - James A. Shaw
1996 – 1997 - James A. Shaw
1995 – 1996 - Jane C. Bonnick
1994 – 1995 - Jane C. Bonnick
1993 – 1994 - James A. Shaw
1992 – 1993 - James A. Shaw
1991 – 1992 - James A. Shaw
1990 – 1991 - James A. Shaw
1989 – 1990 - James A. Shaw
1988 – 1989 - Gilbert W. Edwards
1987 – 1988 - Gilbert W. Edwards
1986 – 1987 - Gilbert W. Edwards
1985 – 1986 - Michael M. G. Oborski
1984 – 1985 - Anthony J. Batchelor
1983 – 1984 - Graham W. Ballinger
1982 – 1983 - Anthony J. Batchelor
1981 – 1982 - Anthony J. Batchelor
1980 – 1981 - Anthony J. Batchelor
1979 – 1980 - Anthony J. Batchelor
1978 – 1979 - Malcolm R. Cooper
1977 – 1978 - Malcolm R. Cooper
1976 – 1977 - Malcolm R. Cooper
1975 – 1976 - Malcolm R. Cooper
1974 – 1975 - Graham. F. Smith

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