Adaptations, improvements and repairs
We are able to offer assistance to ensure properties are kept to a suitable standard.
Home Repair Assistance is available to help you, the homeowner (or private tenant with a repair responsibility), to carry out essential repairs or improvements to your property if you are not financially able to do so.
It is a way for us to pay for the works required, allowing you to remain in your own home for longer. In return we ask that the cost of the works are repaid when the property has a change of ownership. No interest is charged and there is no pressure or timescale to pay the money back.
Examples of works completed include roof repairs, renewal of lead piping for water, electrics over 25 years old rewired, insulation and replacement boilers for those beyond economical repair.
You may be eligible if you have savings of less than £16 ,000 and receiving certain means-tested benefits.
We may also be able to help if you do not receive a means tested benefit but are on a low income and would struggle to obtain a bank loan to carry out the works.
Priority is given to applicants with the most pressing need for repairs.
For further information, including eligibility please contact The Millbrook Healthcare Promoting Independent Living Service (PILS) on 0330 124 8205.
Disabled Facilities Grants are a source of funding towards works that help people remain in their own home through the adaptation of their property.
Read full details of the process for applying for a disabled facilities grant.
Housing association property repairs
If your home needs repair and you are a housing association tenant please contact your local housing officer for advice in the first instance.
Further action
If you live in a privately rented property your landlord or agent should arrange for necessary repairs, if you have requested repairs from your landlord or agent and they have not acted on your request we may be able to help.
You must have given your landlord a chance to solve the problem before using this service.