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Housing and homes

Private Sector Housing Stock Condition Survey

Take part in our stock condition survey and get a £20 voucher! 

Letters have been sent out to a sample group of properties in the area to help us get a better understanding of the condition of people's homes. The results will be used to help develop policies and strategies to help improve housing in the district.

If you have had a letter please take this opportunity to take part. All you have to do is fill in a simple survey, using the unique reference on your letter, and then you will be contacted to arrange a convenient time for a surveyor to visit your property. After the surveyor has assessed your property you will get a £20 voucher. 

The survey is being carried out by Opinion Research Services, who are working on behalf of the council.

You can contact ORS about this study via email at or Freephone 0800 3247006

You can contact our private sector housing team by emailing

The council looks after the housing register, called Home Choice Plus, on behalf of all the social landlords and this is one way of accessing social housing in the district.

Social housing is low cost housing to rent or part buy owned by a Housing Association (now called a Registered Provider).

The council no longer directly own any housing to rent after transferring its properties to Community Housing.

We can also give you information and advice getting and keeping your home.

ReWyre Lettings is the Social Lettings Agency established by Wyre Forest District Council to work with landlords to help those in housing need, access accommodation in the private rented sector.

Advice on a wide variety of issues for home owners; renters; landlords and neighbours.

Information and advice on preventing homelessness and how we help rough sleepers in our area.

Advice on getting or building a home; privately owned or rented property and property maintenance.

Benefits are available to help those on low incomes with rental costs and/or council tax payments. 

Information and advice for landlords. 

All the social housing in the district is owned by Housing Associations that are also known as Registered Providers.

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