How your benefit is worked out
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The amount of benefit you get will depend upon your income, savings and circumstances. There’s a limit on the total amount of benefit that most people aged 16 to 64 can get. This is called the benefit cap.
If you rent privately
The amount of benefit you can get is based on either the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate or your actual rent (whichever is lower). The LHA rate is based on the number of bedrooms you need, not how many you have. Find out more about Local Housing Allowance in our area.
If you rent from a social landlord or housing association
Housing benefit will be reduced if you have more bedrooms than the rules say that you need, for example if your children have grown up and left home. This is called under occupancy (also referred to as bedroom tax). You can find out more about under occupancy and 'spare' rooms on GOV.UK.
If you have other people living with you
The amount of benefit you get may also be affected if you have 'non-dependants' living with you such as grown up children, friends or other relatives. Boarders, sub-tenants and joint tenants are NOT non-dependants. Find out more about non-dependants.
This information is for guidance only. It does not cover all the rules for all the benefits for every situation, nor does it provide a full interpretation of the rules. It should not be treated as a complete and authoritative statement of the law.