Trees in conservation areas
All trees in Conservation Areas with a diameter of more than 75 millimetres (at 1.5 meters above the ground) are automatically protected and you must submit a formal notification to the council of any works you intend to carry out to these trees (a Section 211 Notice).
The only way the council can prevent the works detailed within your formal notification is by notifying you within six weeks if its intention is to make a Tree Preservation Order.
If a new order is made the usual provisions apply to trees protected by tree preservation orders. You must not carry out any work during that period without permission. If you do, you could be fined. You may also have to plant a replacement tree.
Permission for works is not required if you want to cut down or work on trees less than 7.5 centimetres in diameter (measured 1.5 metres above the ground), or 10 centimetres if this is to help the growth of other trees.
Apply for tree works
You can apply for tree works online via the Planning Portal or download a printable form from them. You will need to provide a location plan of the site, clearly identifying the tree(s) you want to carry out the works on. Please provide photos of the tree showing which part of the tree you would like to carry out the works on.