Dog fouling
You must clean up after your dog on all public land. Not cleaning up after your dog is an offence. You risk a fixed penalty fine of £100 or even prosecution in magistrates' court resulting in a fine of up to £1000.
What we will do
If one of our officers witnesses an offence they are able to issue a fixed penalty fine on the spot.
If we receive reports of offences being committed and the offender's details are known we can issue a fixed penalty notice, if that is not paid we can pursue the matter to court.
If the offender's details are not known but we have information such as a location, times, descriptions of dog or person we can target patrols in these areas.
Reporting offenders
You can help us tackle the issue of dog fouling by letting us know who is not clearing up after their dog.
If you see someone not clearing up after their dog you can report it to us using My Wyre Forest. It is useful if you can tell us things like:
- Time, date and location of the offence (we need an accurate location to be able to clear up the mess).
- Identity of the person, if known, or a description of the person in charge of the dog, including clothing worn, vehicle driven, do they regularly walk the same route with the dog?
- Description of the dog concerned and dog's name, if known
- Anything else relevant that you saw at the time of the offence
You will need a My Wyre Forest account to report dog fouling offences. It is quick and easy to set up and you can track the progress of your reports. We are unable to take anonymous complaints as, if we need to take the offender to court, we will need a witness statement.