Stone Parish Council
Tuesday 12 September 2023, 7pm, Stone Parish Rooms
Councillors Mrs Pauline Hill (Chairman), Mr Derek Killingworth, Mr Alan Wakeman, Mr Doug Hine and Mr John Aston.
In attendance:
Mr S Clee (Clerk), Bill Waldron Lengthsman, district councillor Robin Drew and WPC Kate Easthope.
Councillor Mrs Hilary Baxter, and district councillor Marcus Hart.
427 Confirmation of the last parish meeting minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 11 July 2023 as previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.
428 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.
- None declared.
- There were none.
429 Planning matters:
The council noted the current list of planning applications approved and pending by Wyre Forest District Council. Planning Application No23/0596/TPO on Stone Meadow was discussed, and it was recommended to refuse the removal of the three ash trees also Planning Application No 23/0610/FUL was considered, and it was resolved to defer this application has there was insufficient information about the application on the Wyre Forest District Council planning portal.
430 Correspondence and progress reports:
There were no items to consider which had not been previously reported via our email exchange.
431 County and district reports:
Written reports from Councillor Marcus Hart and Councillor Robin Drew were noted.
432 Railway corner, Stanklyn Lane
Council noted the Wyre Forest District Council enforcement action regarding Railway Corner. Councillor Robin Drew had personally driven action on this site. Councillor Drew was thanked by the council for looking into this matter and driving it forward after four years of stalemate.
433 Finances:
- It was noted the bank balance currently stands at £16,613.02 (Current Account) and £15,039.09 (Reserve Account).
- The council noted the current income and expenditure spreadsheets circulated with the agenda.
- Accounts amounting to £2,057.94 made retrospectively were approved.
434 Date of the next meeting:
There being no other business the meeting ended at 7.40pm. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 14 November 2023 at Stone Parish Rooms.
Chairman Tuesday 14 November 2023