Design, amenity and shopfronts supplementary planning document
Residential Infill Development
Section 4: Residential Infill Development
Infill Development
Infill development comprises residential developments of up to 6 dwellings situated between existing dwellings, where the new plot has a direct road frontage. All infill developments will need to accord with Policy DM.2 of the Wyre Forest Local Plan.
Infill development can be a useful way of enhancing a streetscene and using land more efficiently in line with the objectives of the NPPF. However, if designed unsympathetically, it can result in a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of an area and result in undue harm to neighbouring amenity.
Within residential areas as identified in Policy DM.2, proposals for infill development will be supported when:
- There is no significant adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring property.
- There would be no significant adverse impact on the character of the area;
- A safe convenient and environmentally acceptable access approach, which has a clear presence in the streetscene, can be provided.
Subdivision of Existing Plots
The subdivision of existing residential plots should create a new plot that is a similar size and shape to neighbouring plots.
The siting of the new dwelling(s) should also follow the existing building line within the street and similar parking arrangements to reinforce the character and appearance of the area.
Design Checklist
The following key questions can be used by designers as a checklist when considering new backland and infill development.
It may be helpful to assess each element of the checklist and confirm whether a proposed scheme offers either a positive, neutral or negative response against each of these areas, providing a narrative associated with each element assessed to explain the designer’s response:
- Has there been a robust analysis of the site and surrounding area, as suggested by relevant local policy and guidance? Have the findings been related to the new development?
- Has the scheme been designed in response to the context?
- Does the development affect the plot size and shape, is the scale of development appropriate to the plot size without resulting in over-development?
- Are the buildings positioned within the plot to allow sufficient separation between properties, and avoid problems with overlooking and overshadowing?
- Does the frontage development respect established building lines and heights, property spacing, fenestration materials and patterns, and boundary treatments?
- Is there scope for a more comprehensive scheme?
- Will properties have appropriate private amenity areas that benefit from good daylighting and sunlight?
- Are properties to the rear of the plot subservient, and is there sufficient separation between them?
- Are access points well located and appropriately designed? Will the access point(s) result in harm to the street frontage? Or result in highway safety issues, and unacceptable conflict between users?
- Are parking areas and garages well-designed and discreetly located?
- Does the scheme take opportunities to retain and enhance green infrastructure such as existing trees, hedgerows and any boundary planting?
- Has the scheme been checked against Local Validation Criteria requirements, in particular relating to flood risk, biodiversity and affordable housing?