Planning policy
The planning system provides a way of deciding how we use land, what we build and where we build it. It also looks at future needs and what changes are likely to happen and where. National and local government prepare planning policy documents made up of maps and written policies that guide and inform future development. These policies are then used to make decisions on planning applications. The planning system aims to secure sustainable development, which means being able to provide necessary homes, jobs and services in a way that protects and enhances the best qualities of our built and natural environment.
The Wyre Forest District Local Plan (2016-2036)
The Local Plan includes the planning policies used to guide and determine future planning applications in the Wyre Forest District.
View the background documents for the Local Plan (2016-2036)
Neighbourhood Planning
More information on Neighbourhood Planning.
Chaddesley Corbett Neighbourhood Plan
Churchill and Blakedown Neighbourhood Plan (July 2017)
Supplementary Planning Documents
Further clarifying specific policies within the development plan or providing more detailed guidance for bringing forward specific sites.
Project Plan
The council is required by statute to review the Local Plan every five years. It may be necessary to review strategic policies earlier but only where there are significant changes in circumstances such as where housing numbers are insufficient or relevant changes to national policy that have a significant impact on the district.
Statement of Community Involvement
Setting out how we will engage communities and organisations on the preparation of planning policy and in determining planning applications.
Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs)
A LEP is a partnership between local authorities and businesses. Wyre Forest District sits within two LEPs
The Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP
The Worcestershire LEP
National Planning Policy and County Planning Policy
All local planning policies must be in general conformity with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)