Housing advice for people in or about to be discharged from hospital
Are you about to be discharged from hospital are homeless or worried you may be made homeless? Is your home unsuitable for you to return to?
If so, you need to tell the nursing staff about your situation as soon as possible, they will let the Homeless Pathway Liaison Officer know who will assess your situation and work with you to find a solution.
It is important that as soon as you are aware that you might not have anywhere to go on discharge, you tell the hospital who will be able to notify the Hospital Discharge Officer or our Housing Advice Team. We will then work in partnership with the hospital to find you somewhere to stay.
You may wish to tell us directly.
Depending on your needs other agencies may be called in to help.
To help support your case you will need to provide us with supporting evidence, including any evidence of any medical or support needs you might have and any current support you might be receiving from another organisation. The hospital should be able help you with this.
Are you homeless now?
If you don't have anywhere to return to on discharge, we will help to find the best options for you, this could be independent, older persons or supported housing.
We may be able to provide you with emergency accommodation whilst we look for somewhere for you to stay but this will depend on whether we have reason to believe you are vulnerable. We can also speak to your family to see if they can accommodate you whilst we look for somewhere for you to stay.
Do you need to move soon?
If you are living somewhere now but need to move soon our team will be able to look at your options, these include:
- Buying a house
- Private renting
- Social or supported housing
Do you need help to stay where you are?
If you have a home to return to but for example, your medical condition means it is now unsuitable, we may be able to help with adaptations or Disabled Facilities Grants.
If you rent through a social landlord, they may also be able to help with adaptations.
Worried about income?
Being in hospital may sometimes have an effect on your benefits or income. If, for example, you were working before you became ill, you may be entitled to statutory sick pay.
If you are claiming housing benefit or Universal Credit, this may continue to be paid even though you are in hospital.
If you are worried about this, then contact our benefits advice team on 01562 732928.
We will work closely with you to identify your support needs and will continuously review the advice and advocacy services available to you, and develop outreach support services according to your needs.
Housing advice team
01562 732928
Out of hours 01562 732225
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Useful links
Download pathway for professionals.
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