Publication Scheme ' What we spend and how we spend it'
Auditor's annual report
Audit of Accounts Year Ended 31 March 2021
Notice of Delay of Auditor’s Annual Report
Code of Audit Practice 2020
Notice is hereby given under Section 4.6 of the Code of Audit Practice 2020 that the Auditor’s Annual Report 2020-21 has been delayed. The Statement of Accounts 2020-21 were signed off by the statutory deadline of 30th September 2021; this Value for Money (VFM) part of the audit will complete the external auditor’s reporting requirement for 2020-21.
The Council’s external auditor has provided a letter of explanation that can be viewed along with this Notice.
Date: 20/12/21
Tracey Southall, CPFA,
Corporate Director: Resources,
Wyre Forest House,
Finepoint Way,
DY11 7WF