Stone Parish Council
Tuesday 9th March 2021 7pm Virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
Councillors Mr Graham Higgs (Appointed Chairman), Mrs Pauline Hill, Mrs Jane Lacey, Mr Richard Wignall, Mr Derek Killingworth, Hilary Baxter & County Cllr Hart (Part).
In attendance:
Mr S Clee (Clerk)
Councillors Mr John Jordan & Mrs Fiona Lawson Hughes.
284 Confirmation of the Minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 12th November 2020 as previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman of the November Meeting Councillor Mrs Hilary Baxter.
285 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.
- a) None declared. b) There were none.
286 Chairman’s Opening Remarks:
The Chairman stated Councillor Jordan was having difficulty logging into Microsoft Teams again this evening. He welcomed all members present to this fifth virtual meeting of Stone Parish Council and stated the sooner we can get together around a table and not use a computer for meetings would be welcomed.
287 Planning Matters:
The Council noted the current list of Planning Applications approved and pending by WFDC.
288 Correspondence & Progress Reports:
There was one item in correspondence that needed to be addressed. The Clerk stated the Stone Parochial Church Council (PCC) had written to confirm the Community Defibrillator was now installed on the wall of the Old School Building. Stone Parish Council now need set up a Rota of Councillors who will regularly carry out a visual inspection and check the voltage supply is connected and the device is charging correctly.
Councillor Higgs stated he had been talking to Councillor Jordan yesterday about this matter and they believed there were plenty of defibrillators in our locality one being in the adjoining village of Harvington in a refurbished telephone kiosk. The Chairman believes we should remove the Old School Building one and return it to the PCC as there was no need for it.
The Clerk reminded everybody that it was Councillor Higgs who had specifically asked for the matter to be put on our agenda last year following a meeting of the PCC when they very generously offered to supply and install one free of charge for the people of Stone Parish. Stone Council knew the equipment needed regular inspections when they agreed to proceed in November 2020.
Councillor Killingworth stated we had debated this matter previously at great length and democratically agreed to proceed and we cannot change our opinion now. Several Councillors offered to form a Rota and the Clerk stated he would find out the inspection procedures from the installers and be in touch with those Councillors offering to inspect it ASAP.
289 County & District Reports:
Council noted the written report from County Cllr Hart who also very kindly agreed to join us this evening via teams. Unfortunately, his broadband connection was very weak, and we lost him a few times into the big old world wide web!
290 Finances:
It was noted the Bank Balance currently stands at £16, 118.03 which includes earmarked reserves and grants for specific works.
- The Receipt & Payment spreadsheets were approved as previously circulated.
291 Date of the next Meeting:
There being no other business the meeting ended at 19.33pm. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 11th May 2021 this being the Council Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Chairman……………………11th May 2021