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Minutes of the Stone Parish Council Meeting held in Stone Parish Rooms on Tuesday 9th July 2019 commencing at 7.30pm.

Present: Councillors Mr John Jordan (Chairman), Mr Richard Wignall, Mrs Pauline Hart, Mr Graham Higgs, Mr Derek Killingworth & Mrs Hilary Baxter.

In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk, Bill Waldron Lengthsman, WPC Derya Mustafa, County Cllr M Hart, District Cllr I Hardiman and 4 members of the public.

Apologies: Cllrs Mrs Pauline Hill & Mrs Diane Bird.

192 Confirmation of the Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting held on 14th May 2019 as previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.

193 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality;

a) None declared. b) There were none.

194 Public Speakers:

WPC Derya Mustafa addressed Council informing council Inspector Dave King from Bromsgrove had taken up the new post in Kidderminster.

Mr Kit Brazil spoke about the continued speeding along the lanes between the Worcester Road and Bromsgrove Road especially along Stanklyn Lane. He was speaking on behalf of all local residents and was please to see the Parish Council had an agenda item tonight addressing this matter.

Councillor Graham Higgs spoke about the constant speeding and noisy revving of Motorbikes opening up the engines as they get around the Mustow Green Island heading towards Bromsgrove. Councillor Derek Killingworth said we could look at the Community Speed Watch programme and see if it could be implemented in our Parish.

The Chairman thanked everyone for there contributions and stated all the points made would be taken up with the County Council Highways Manager at our next scheduled meeting on 16th July 2019.

195 Planning Matters:

The Council noted the current list of Planning Applications approved and pending by WFDC. Council also noted an Appeal had been lodged at 27 Stanklyn Lane following the refusal for a planning application by Wyre Forest District Council.

196 Councillors Reports

A written report had been received and circulated to all councillors from County Cllr Hart prior to the meeting which he gave a synopsis of. Cllr Hardiman stated the demolition of Crown House commenced on 21st June 2019 and would take 30 weeks. He stated 2 enforcement matters were being looked at in Stanklyn area at No 62 (sale of cars from dwelling house) and Keepers Cottage an additional access driveway.

197 Correspondence & Progress Reports

Council noted the Correspondence & Information Sheet. Council were pleased to see the Tree and Arboricultural Officer had agreed to the Parish Councils request for Tree Preservation Orders to be placed on all trees on the Stone Meadows site.

198 Highway Matters It was agreed all Highway related matters including the VAS sign on Stone Hill and the request for Village Gateways at Podmore would be discussed on 16th July 2019 with Worcestershire County Council.

199 Worcestershire County Council – Passenger Transport Consultation Council noted the Consultation from Worcestershire County Council relating to Passenger Transport. It was RESOLVED to support the County Plans. Individual Councillors agreed to leave comments on the County Website.

200 Stone Parochial Charity - Benches

Council welcomed the offer of three benches being purchased and handed over to the Council for use by local residents throughout the Parish by the St Marys Parochial Charity. It was RESOLVED to install them on Stone Hill (east bound towards Bromsgrove) and two along Stanklyn Lane.

201 Appointment to Committees

Council RESOLVED to appoint the following Councillors to various organisations;

CALC Area Committee & Executive (Chairman & Vice Chairman)

Police Co-ordinator (Councillor Richard Wignall)

Council Representative on St Mary’s Parochial Charity Church (Councillor Graham Higgs)

Wyre Forest Community Housing (Councillor Pauline Hart)

202 Finances

a) It was noted the Bank Balance currently stands at £13, 138.54 which includes earmarked reserves and grants for specific works.

b) Accounts amounting to £2,050.85 made retrospectively were approved.

c) The Council noted the Income & Expenditure Spreadsheets circulated with the agenda for Municipal Year 2019-2020.

d) Council Noted the Clerk & Chairman had completed the Annual Accounts for 2018-2019 in accordance with Messrs PKF Littlejohn requirements and they have been submitted and signed off accordingly.

203 Date of the next Meeting

There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.30pm. The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 10th September 2019 commencing at 7.30pm.

10th September 2019

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