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Rock Parish Council


Monday 25 March 7.00pm

Far Forest Sports Pavilion


Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), Ms Sandra Woodhouse, Ms Sally Watkins, Ms Sue Morris, James Baker and Douglas Godwin at 7.25pm

In attendance:

Mr S Clee Clerk, Mr and Mrs Clive Skidmore, Mr and Mrs Glen Ruston.


Councillor’s David Nott, Andrew Croot, Nick Stones, Ms Emily Bourne, Ms Isobel Hedges Ward, West Mercia Police and County Councillor Dan Morehead.

2355 Confirmation of the minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 29 January 2024, as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2356 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.

This were no declarations made.

2357 Public participation:

Mr Ruston addressed the council regarding his planning application at Windy Willows.

2358 Planning applications:

004 23/0774/FUL Change of use of land to facilitate the installation of 24No. ground mounted solar panels and associated
Infrastructure at White Risings, Heightington Road, Bliss Gate, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.

005 24/0076/HOU Construction of detached garage with office above (variation to previously approved garage under Planning Application 19/0356/FUL – retrospective) at Land Adjacent, Old Hall Farm, Tenbury Road, Clows Top.

It was RESOLVED to support this retrospective application but disappointingly the decision notice had been approved before the parish council had commented.

006 24/0097/OUT Outline application for the demolition of existing buildings and replacement with 9No. bungalows (all
matters reserved except access) at Former Far Forest Rustic Works, Cleobury Road, Far Forest.

It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application as it does not comply with the adopted Wyre Forest District Council Local Plan. The land was never offered for consideration when the “Call for Sites” process was carried out. It was further noted WF Policy DM.2 and 36.16.

007 23/0903/FUL Construction of a stable block at Windy Willows, Tenbury Road, Clows Top.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.

008 24/0141/HOU Construction of a first floor rear extension at 2 Stone Cottages, Quarry Road, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend refusal as there appears to be a significant number of neighbours objecting to this application.

009 24/0013/PNR Prior notification for the change of use of agricultural buildings to 3No dwellings at Conningswick Farm ,
Greenway, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application provided an ecological report is submitted. Lighting was also a concern and its recommended to the planning officer that low level lighting should be considered.

010 24/0147/FUL Construction of 1No. rural workers dwelling at Brick Kiln Farm, Netherton Lane, Dunley

It was RESOLVED to support this application provided a Sec 136 agreement is entered into with the applicant which conditions the dwelling for agricultural use only and it is not sold separately to the Farm or used for any other purpose than for an agricultural worker.

011 24/0173/HOU Erection of a pair of metal gates on piers at Yew Tree Farm , Pound Bank, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.

012 24/0172/FUL Temporary use of land for the storage of an unoccupied static caravan (on a caravan park) until pitch becomes available (18 months) at Yew Tree Farm Caravan Site, Pound Bank.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval.

2359 Correspondence:

All correspondence had been circulated to members via email prior to the meeting. Councillor Sue Morris will be writing tonight’s report for the Rock and District News Councillor Sandra Woodhouse will write the report in April 2024.

2352 District and county councillor reports:

In the absence of all our district and county councillors there were no reports.

2353 Finances:

  1. Council approved invoices amounting to £17,777.01 for payment tonight.
  2. Council noted the income and expenditure sheets to date.

2354 Date of the next meeting:

There being no other business the meeting ended at 7.50pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 29 April 2024 this will commence as a Parish Meeting

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