Rock Parish Council
Monday 29 January 7.00pm
Far Forest Sports Pavilion
Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), Ms Sandra Woodhouse, Andrew Croot, David Nott, Emily Bourne, Sue Morris, Nick Stones, Isobel Hedges Ward and Douglas Godwin at 7.15pm
In attendance:
Mr S Clee Clerk, WPC Jeni Bray, Mr and Mrs Clive Skidmore, Mr Martin Winfield, Mr Josh Winfield and district Councillor NIck Wilson.
Councillor’s Sally Watkins and Worcestershire County Councillor Dan Morehead.
2347 Confirmation of the minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 18 December 2023, as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman. It was further RESOLVED unanimously to Co-opt Mr James Baker to one of the current vacant seats.
2348 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.
This was no declarations made.
2349 Public participation:
No comments by members of the public.
2350 Planning applications:
001 23/0949/FUL Construction of an agricultural barn at The Swathes, Buckeridge, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to Approve this application.
002 23/0934/FUL Retention and extension of agricultural building and associated maintenance area (part-retrospective) at Old Hall Farm, Tenbury Road, Clows Top.
The Council RESOLVED to challenge the need for an agricultural building as there is no farmland attached to this application. However, if the Planning Officer was content with the need to Council supported the application.
003 22/0997/OUT Orchard House, Far Forest.
Following the Planning Inspectors Appeal decision, it was RESOLVED to make no comment on this application.
2351 Correspondence:
All correspondence had been circulated to members via email prior to the meeting. Councillor Nick Stones will be writing tonight’s report for the Rock and District News Councillor Sandra Woodhouse will write the report in February 2024.
2352 District and county councillor reports:
Following County Councillor Dan Morehead’s report, Councillor Stones challenged the need for a speed reduction to 30MPH along Callow Hill. He said the decision to implement this seemed to be politically led and not data led. He asked when the Council had ever taken a vote to approve such a scheme. The Clerk advised the determination to implement this change had been due to some very serious road traffic accidents that had occurred over the past two decades. Rock PC has always given its strong backing to a speed reduction at many previous meetings when discussed both by the public comments and previous councillor debates.
Councillor Godwin said since his first meeting on the Council, Rock PC had always campaigned for this reduction and he warmly welcomed it. Councillor Croot also supported the reduction and hoped it would be extended past the Forestry Centre entrance and Lye Head Road junction in the next phase of the scheme.
2353 Finances:
- Council approved invoices amounting to £751.12 for payment tonight.
- Council noted the income and expenditure sheets to date.
2354 Date of the next meeting:
There being no other business the meeting ended at 7.45pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 26 February 2024.