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Rock Parish Council


Monday 26 September 2023 7.00pm

Far Forest Sports Pavilion


Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), Ms Sandra Woodhouse, Andrew Croot, Ms Sally Watkins, Emily Seldon, Douglas Godwin (from 19.10pm), Ms Isobel Hedges Ward

In attendance:

Mr S Clee Clerk, Mr & Mrs Clive Skidmore, Mr & Mrs Fergusson, Mr Jim Baker and District Councillor Nick Wilson.


Councillor Sue Morris and County Councillor Dan Morehead.

2315 Confirmation of the minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 31st July 2023, as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2316 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.

This was no declarations made.

2317 Public participation:

Mrs Fergusson explained the reasons for their planning application at Organs Hill Farm.

2318 Planning applications:

018 23/0586/FULL Change of use of land to residential curtilage, Surrounding existing barn (see permission for change of use to residential ref 23/0176/PNR)@ Barn At, Field House Farm, Tenbury Road, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL for this application and suggested to recommend conditions that the extension should remain ancillary to the main dwelling and not be sold separately or sub let as a holiday home.

019 23/0632/FUL Refurbishment of Holiday Lets building and erection of glazed link to amalgamate Holiday Lets building with the Farm House, together with basement extension, two storey rear extension and demolition of porch to Farm House@ Organs Hill Farm , Organs Hill, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to approve this application.

020 23/0576/HOU Two storey rear and single storey side extension. Conversion of outbuilding to create guest suite @Notchcut, Cross Bank, Bewdley.

It was RESOLVED to approve this application.

021 23/0627/AG Construction of a hay store for agricultural purposes@ Hillside, Tenbury Road, Clows Top.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

022 23/0679/HOU Construction of an extension over existing garaging and glass link to the existing house@ The Swathes, Buckeridge Bank, Buckeridge, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL for this application as it is completely over development of the site.

2319 Correspondence:

All correspondence had been circulated to members via email prior to the meeting. Councillor Sandra Woodhouse will be writing tonight’s report for the Rock & District News in the absence of Councillor Sue Morris.

2320 District and county councillor reports:

District Councillor Nick Wilson reminded Council that the Housing Needs Survey was still being actively promoted with the parish and the completion date for public comment was early in October. County Councillor Dan Morehead had circulated his written report prior to the meeting.

2321 Finances:

  1. Council approved invoices amounting to £10,894.53 for payment tonight.
  2. Council noted the Income & Expenditure Sheets to date.
  3. The updated Asset Register was noted together with meeting dates for 2023-2024.

2322 Date of the next meeting:

There being no other business the meeting ended at 19.52pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 30th October 2023.

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