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Rock Parish Council


Monday 26 June 2023 7.00pm

Far Forest Sports Pavilion


Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman);Ms Sandra Woodhouse; Andrew Croot;Ms Sally Watkins;Nick Stones;Douglas Godwin;Ms Sue Morris

In attendance:

Mr S Clee, Clerk, Mr & Mrs Clive Skidmore, Mr Jim Baker, CSO Jeni Bray and District Councillor Nick Wilson.


David Nott, Ms Emily Seldon & County Councillor Dan Morehead .

2286 Election of Chairman:

Councillor Richard Williams was elected Chairman and duly signed the oath of office. Ms Sandra Woodhouse was elected vice Chairman.

2297 Confirmation of the minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 23rd May 2023, as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman

2298 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.

This was no declarations made.

2299 Public participation:

Mr Jim Baker addressed Council relating to the recent accident on the A456 Callow Hill is asked the Council to lead on a campaign to persuade the County Highways Department to look more positively at carrying out measures to reduce the speed. The Chairman thanked Mr Baker for his contribution and assured him Rock PC were fully supportive of any measures to reduce speed.

2300 Planning applications:

009 23/0243/FUL Demolition of existing glasshouses and buildings and

erection of 3,863 square metres (41,580 square foot) of

light industrial floor space (Use Class E(g)(iii)), car parking and associated works@ Alton Nurseries , Long Bank, Nr Bewdley.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

010 23/0400/HOU Proposed side / rear extensions, garage and change in

Facing materials@ Rozelle , Tenbury Road, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

011 23/0427/HOU Proposed Front, Side and Rear Single Storey Extension@

Hillview , Greenway, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

012 23/0438/FUL Change of use of land to domestic garden@ Stables At

Lucys Farm , Callow Hill, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL for this application. This access is at a dangerous point on the A456. No access ever existed onto this field before the caravan site was constructed. RPC is concerned about the danger of regular use by private vehicles at this point on a road with a 60mph limit following a recent accident and loss of 3 young lives.

013 23/0408/HOU Utilisation of existing outbuilding as residential annex

Ancillary to Lye Head Farm@ Lye Head Farm , Lye Head Road, Lye Head, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to recommend approval provided it is conditioned for annex to the existing house and not sold or let separately with PD Rights being removed.

014 23/0453/TPO Oak - Undertake a crown reduction to suitable growth points

by a maximum of 3 metres@ Erection of single storey

building to be used as an annexe for family member
(Resubmission of 22/0158/FUL)
Lyndhurst Lodge Callow Hill Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application provided the WFDC arboricultural officer is supportive.

2301 Correspondence:

All correspondence had been circulated to members via email prior to the meeting. Councillor Douglas Godwin will be writing tonight’s report for the Rock & District News.

2302 District and county councillor reports:

Newly elected District Councillor Nick Wilson introduced himself to the meeting. Nick is a retired Royal Navel Officer having served 20 years in the Navy. He now works for a Malvern based car company.

2303 Bus Shelter Repairs:

Following a debate it was RESOLVED to proceed with the repairs at the Bliss Gate Shelter with new toughened glass.

2304 Housing Needs Survey:

Council endorsed a request for a new housing needs survey to be carried out in the whole of the parish after the Clerk confirmed he had been sent a complete list of all postal addresses which covered all houses within the Parish.

2305 Finances:

  1. Council approved invoices amounting to £9,918.39 for payment tonight.
  2. Council noted the Income & Expenditure Sheets to date.

2306 Date of the next Meeting:

There being no other business the meeting ended at 19.57pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 31st July 2023.

Signed Chairman: 31st July 2023

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