Rock Parish Council
Monday 23 May 2023 7.10pm
Far Forest Sports Pavilion
Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman); Ms Sandra Woodhouse; Ms Sue Morris; Ms Isobel Hedges Ward; Andrew Croot; Pat Pain; David Nott; Ms Sally Watkins; Emily Seldon; Nick Stone; Douglas Godwin
In attendance:
Mr S Clee, Clerk & District Councillors Anna & Roger Coleman.
2286 Election of Chairman:
Councillor Richard Williams was elected Chairman and duly signed the oath of office. Ms Sandra Woodhouse was elected vice Chairman.
2287 Confirmation of the minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 24 April 2023, as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
2288 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.
This was no declarations made.
2289 Public participation:
Mrs Maddy Smith addressed Council relating to the recent accident along the A456 near the Duke William Inn. The Chairman thanked Mrs Smith for her contribution.
2290 Planning applications:
One Planning application was considered at Victory Hall Clows Top 23/0304/FULL.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
2291 Correspondence:
All correspondence had been circulated to members via email prior to the meeting. Councillor Andrew Croot will be writing tonight’s report for the Rock and District News.
2292 District and county councillor reports:
There was none.
2293 Meeting dates for 2023/24:
It was resolved to approve the meeting dates for 2023/2024.
2294 Appointment to committees:
- Finance Working Group (Richard Williams, Nick Stones, Sandra Woodhouse, Sue Morris, and Andrew Croot.
- Emergency Working Group (Andrew Croot, Douglas Godwin, Sandra Woodhouse, Nick Stones, Mr Nott, and Isobel Hedges Ward)
- Planning and Parish Plan Working Group (Andrew Croot, Richard Williams, Douglas Godwin, Sandra Woodhouse, Sally Watkins and David Nott)
2295 Finances:
- Council approved invoices amounting to £2,405.50 for payment tonight.
- Council noted the Income and Expenditure Sheets.
- Council appointed Ms Abi Bloor as our internal auditor.
The Council noted the current Income and Expenditure Spreadsheets to date for the commencement of the new Financial Year.
2296 Date of the next meeting:
There being no other business the meeting ended at 19.30pm. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 26 July 2023.
Signed Chairman: 26 June 2023