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Rock Parish Council


Meeting date: Monday 25 April 2022

Venue: Far Forest Sports Pavilion

Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting, held at Far Forest Sports Pavilion, on Monday 25th April 2022 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), Pat Pain, Christopher Price, Christine Sankey, Sandra Woodhouse, Sally Watkins, Nick Stones, David Nott, Ms Sue Morris & Douglas Godwin (From 19.10pm)                       

In attendance:  Mr S Clee, Clerk, Mr & Mrs Clive Skidmore, Mr James Roberts, Mrs Janet Beddows & Mr Michael Fletcher.

Apologies: Councillor’s Emily Seldon, Andrew Croot, District Councillor Anna Coleman & County Councillor Dan Morehead.

2175 Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 28th March 2022 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2176 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.

2177 Public Participation:

No members of the public wished to address the Parish Council.

2178 Planning Applications:

001               22/0291/FUL           Change of use of land to extend domestic garden @

Land of Bine Lane, Bliss Gate, Rock.

RESOLVED to support this application provided it is conditioned as domestic garden land and not identified as land for any further extensions of building use.

002               22/0159/HOU          Extension, alterations and refurbishment works@ The

Old Hall, Tenbury Road, Clows Top.

RESOLVED to support this application on the condition that it remains part of The Old hall and is not sold separately or rented out as a separate dwelling.

003               22/0159/HOU          Swimming pool @ Heartwood, Bliss Gate Road, Rock.

Resolved to support this application on the condition that the concerns of the water authority are addressed.

2179 County & District Councillors Report:

District Councillor Roger Coleman reported a Special Council Meeting was due to be held on Tuesday 26th April with a single item to approve or reject the recently published Local Plan covering 2016 to 2026.

The Chairman referred members to County Councillor Dan Morehead’s report which had previously be circulated by the Clerk on email.

2180 Correspondence:

Council considered the Email from Worcestershire County Council, dated 19th April 2022, concerning an application for a Footpath, from Dark Lane to Gorst Hill Lane, to be added to the Definitive Map.

Following representations made by residents at the earlier Parish Meeting the Council RESOLVED not to support what, it was suggested, is nothing more than a vexatious request. It was pointed out by members that there had never been a footway in this location crossing landowners properties in over 50 years of their local knowledge. It was suggested that this was a pointless additional footpath serving no useful purpose but which would cause a considerable amount of annoyance and inconvenience to neighbours.

2181 Heightington Village Hall:

Council RESOLVED to support the request from Heightington Village Hall to let them use the Parish Beacon and Gas Bottle when lighting a Beacon to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee in June.

2182 Resignation of Colin Thornton:

Council noted the recent resignation of Colin Thornton. The Clerk advised, the vacancy had been posted on the Parish Notice Board and WFDC had been informed. The Chairman stated he had written to Mr Thornton and thanked him for his diligence and hard work during his time on the Council. All members wished Colin and Kathrine a very happy retirement in Somerset.

2183 Finances:

  • An Expenditure spreadsheet previously circulated was approved.
  • Invoices amounting to £25 were approved.
  • The Clerk advised Council a few fresh cheques were issued following the last meeting because Lloyds Bank had rejected one of the signatures on the cheques.
  • Council was advised the Clerk had submitted a VAT Claim to HMRC for £1,885.20 for the 2021-2022 Municipal Year.

2184 Date of the next Meeting:

There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.05pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 23rd May 2022 commencing with the Annual General Meeting.

Signed Chairman: 23rd May 2022

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