Minutes of the Rock Parish Council Meeting held via Microsoft Team due to the Coronavirus crisis and the fact that everybody should be self-isolating on Monday 30th November 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.
Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman); David Nott; Andrew Croot; Christopher Price; Pat Pain; Colin Thornton; Sandra Woodhouse; Jim Lawson; Sally Watkins; Christine Sankey; Douglas Godwin; Nick Stone; Sue Morris.
In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk, District Councillor Roger Coleman & Mrs Carol Pulford.
Apologies: None.
2045 Confirmation of the Minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 26th October 2020 as previously circulated, were approved, and it was agreed they could be signed by the Chairman following a minor amendment as to the role Councillor Croot held within the Far Forest Scouts movement.
2046 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.
A) Cllr Ms Sandra Woodhouse declared an interest in Planning Application No 039, having sent a personal letter to WFDC relating to this application, and left the room whilst this matter was debated. Councillor Price declared a personal interest in Planning Application No 041 and Councillor Williams declared a personal interest in Planning Application No 042 being a resident of Plough Lane.
B) There were none.
Before continuing with the meeting, the Chairman referred to the recent passing of Former Councillor & Chairman John Nott. John had been a Councillor for 36 years and held the position of Chairman in 1999-2000. Members expressed their sorrow at the loss and noted the Clerk had sent the family our condolences.
2047 Public Participation:
Mrs Carol Pulford addressed Council relating to Planning Application No 042 relating to the potential construction of 16 dwellings on Land at Plough Lane Far Forest. She stated the Application was a watered-down version of Planning Application No 20/0078/OUT which, she said, had been unanimously refused by Wyre Forest District Council earlier in the year. She referred to the most recent Housing Needs Survey that had identified that 6 affordable homes were needed across the whole of Rock Parish and not just Far Forest. She did not support these proposals and hopes the Parish Council will consider her objections when they discuss it later on tonight’s agenda.
2048 Planning Applications:
038 20/0907/FUL Substitution of house types as approved under
19/0140/FULL with 2 No 3 bed bungalows at Old Hall Farm, Tenbury Road.
It was RESOLVED to support this application provided the separate “double garage” still identified in the current drawings and which was related to an earlier planning application, is removed and PD Rights are withdrawn.
039 20/0923/FULL Construction of a detached bungalow on
Land adjoining Ward Bungalow, Far Forest.
It was RESOLVED to support this application. Members believed the new proposals are more in keeping with the street scene which had been one of the previous reasons for objecting on an earlier application, and one highlighted by the inspector at the appeal.
040 20/0925/FUL Proposed 2 No Detached dwellings with new
vehicle access (substitution of house types under 19/0703/FUL) at Chapel Paddock, Chapel Lane, Callow Hill.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
041 20/0930/HOU New car port & sun roof at East View, Tenbury
Road, Clows Top, DY14 9HF.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
042 20/0951/OUTL Development of 16 affordable dwellings,
presented as an entry level exception site with all matters reserved except access at Plough Lane, Far Forest.
Council considered this application very carefully. They also took into consideration the contribution made by Mrs Carol Pulford earlier and the written representations from Mr David Pickett and Mrs Pauline Williams. After lengthy debate it was agreed the reasons for refusal of an earlier planning application had not been addressed and that those reasons still stood. On that basis it was RESOLVED to recommend refusal for this application for the following reasons;
- The application is outside the Settlement Boundary
- The application proposed is on Undeveloped Agricultural Land
- The land adjoins a very important SSSI and development so close will be very harmful to the protected species
- Highways – is a major problem as access is off an unadopted Lane.
- Development at this site would be out of keeping with the current Street Scene.
- The proposed development does not comply with the Parish HousingNeeds Survey.
- The development is contrary to the WFDC policy SAL-DPL.
- Contrary to National biodiversity polices.
043 20/0973/HOU Single story side extension at Ice Alpines, Lye Head Road, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
2049 Parish Magazine:
Councillor David Nott agreed to write tonight’s parish council report. Councillor Douglas Godwin would be scheduled to write the December report.
2050 County & District Councillors Report:
Councillor Roger Coleman gave a verbal update on the shortfall facing Wyre Forest District Council during Covid-19. Initially the shortfall was estimated to be £1.9m but the more realistic figure is now standing around £2.0m. He stated all ways of shaving costs were being looked at including the £1,000 given to each District Councillor every year for them to distribute as discretionary Grants.
2051 Memorial Bench Callow Hill:
Councillor Ms Sally Watkins said she observed a potential need for a memorial bench when attending this year’s Remembrance Service at Callow Hill. It was pointed out this had been considered by the parish council previously and the location was deemed not to be an ideal location due mainly to the terribly busy A456 trudging past at great speed. However, it was RESOLVED to refer the matter to the Finance Committee for further consideration.
2052 Christmas Sign Replacement:
Councillor Lawson said the Christmas Sign usually erected on Heather Bray’s Land needed being replaced as it had reached its practical shelf life. After discussion it was RESOLVED to refer the matter to the Finance Committee for consideration with a replacement being the “banner” type signs currently being used showing our support for the NHS. An easier location for such a replacement would be the fencing line on Diamond Jubilee Corner.
2053 Finances:
- Income & Expenditure spreadsheets previously circulated were approved.
- Accounts amounting to £847.49 as detailed on the expenditure spreadsheet circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting were approved for payment.
- The Council RESOLVED to accept the recommendations from the Finance Committee Meetings held on 19th October 2020 and 23rd November 2020 namely;
- The Clerks SPCs be increased from SPC 32 to SPC 35 from 1st April 2021.
- A freeze on next years Council Tax take place and the precept be set again at £55,020.00.
- The External Audit by PKF Littlejohn and their recommendations were accepted.
2052 Date of the next Meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.20pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 21st December 2020 via Microsoft Team Webcast.
21st December 2020