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Change to bank account in January 2022

Rock Parish Council payments 2021-22 at HSBC Kidderminster
No.  Date Ref No To Whom Paid Details Section 137 & Grants £5,000 Works Clerk Open Spaces £400.00 Training £500 Hall Hire Highways £3,332 App Scheme £3,000 Far Forest Play area £500.00 Litter Picking R/O £1346 Total VAT
                          C/F 29,797.12   C/F 16,804.98  
1 26-Apr 300034 WCC Grit Salt       181.56             181.56 30.26
2   300035 Worcs CALC Training Fees         120.00           120.00  
3   300036 Peter Handley Stationary   318.77                 318.77 53.13
4   300037 Managed Tech Copy M/C   65.51                 65.51 10.92
5   300038 Our Lasting Memories War Memorial   7500.00                 7500.00  
6 24-May 300039 Came & Com Annual Insurance   872.63                 872.63  
7   300040 Managed Tech Copy M/C   34.98                 34.98 5.83
8   300041 CF Corporate Copy M/C   174.00                 174.00 29.00
9 28-Jun 300042 Managed Tech Copy M/C   36.05                 36.05 6.01
10   300043 Peter Handley Stationary   289.02                 289.02 48.17
11   300044 HMRC PAYE     1815.07               1815.07  
12   300045 WCC LGPS     1662.03               1622.03  
13   300046 Salarys Apr, May & June   646.28 4754.18               5400.46  
14 10-Jul 300047 Mr J Downes Invoice No 214             700.00       700.00  
15 20-Jul 300048 Mr P Phillips Internal Audit   90.00                 90.00  
16   300049 Managed Tech Copy M/C   33.60                 33.60 5.60
17   300050 Far Forest Soc Battery   285.99                 285.99 47.00
18 28-Jul 300051 Parkinson Wright HM Land Charges   180.00                 180.00  
19 27-Sep 300052 CALC Annual Fee   1142.49                 1142.49 163.88
20   300053 Big Print Shop Show Banners   280.32                 280.32 46.72
21   300054 Information Com GDPR Fee   40.00                 40.00  
22   300055 Managed Tech Copy M/C   35.77                 35.77 5.96
23   300056 Wickstead Inspection   103.20                 103.20 17.20
24   300057 Managed Tech Copy M/C   43.44                 43.44 7.24
25   300058 HMRC PAYE     1815.07               1815.07  
26   300059 WCC LGPS     1662.03               1662.03  
27   300060 Salarys July, Aug & Sept   757.10 4754.18               5511.28  
28 25-Oct 300061 Managed Tech M/C replacement   3306.00                 3306.00 551.00
29   300062 LGC Annual Sub   332.00                 332.00  
30   300063 Managed Tech Copy M/C   21.25                 21.25 3.54
31   300064 Wicksteed Playg Repairs                 2661.54   2661.54 443.59
32   300065 Lengthsman Invoice No 215             337.50       337.50  
33   300066 WF Nightstop Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
34   300067 Rock Sports Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
35   300068 Clows Top VH Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
36   300069 Far Forest PTA Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
37   300070 Little Acorns Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
38   300071 Nursing Charity Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
39   300072 Heightington VH Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
40   300073 Far Forest VH Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
41   300074 Far Forest Scouts Community Grant 555.00                   555.00  
42   300075 Holy Trinity Church Churchyard Grant 250.00                   250.00  
43   300076 Rock & H'ton Church Churchyard Grant 500.00                   500.00  
44 29-Nov 300077 Mr D Johnson Lengthman Inv 216       142.50             142.50  
45   300078 Unpresented IT Support   110.00                 Nil  
46   300079 Peter Handley Stationary   179.99                 179.99 30.00
47   300080 PKF Audit   360.00                 360.00 60.00
48   300081 Bill White 3 x Trees   180.00                 180.00 30.00
49   300082 Molster Group Bliss Gate Broadband   56.25                 56.25  
50   300083 J Downes Grass Cutting       300.00             300.00  
51   300084 Lengthsman Invoice No 217             562.50       562.50  
52   300085 Wicksteed Playg Repairs                 609.12   609.12 101.52
53   300086 J Downes Litter picking                   800.00 800.00  
54 20-Dec 300087 HMRC PAYE     1815.07               1815.07  
55   300088 WCC LGPS     1662.03               1662.03  
56   300089 Salarys Oct, Nov & Dec   757.10 4754.18               5511.28  
57   300090 SLCC Annual Sub   234.00                 234.00  
58   300091 Lengthman Invoice No 218             341.25       341.25  
59   300092 Rock & FF Royal British Legion   175.00                 175.00  
60   300093 Rock Dis News Subscription   29.00                 29.00  
61   300094 Managed Tech Copy M/C   69.55                 69.55 11.59
62 31-Jan 300095 Mr D Johnson Lengthman Inv 219             428.75       428.75  
63   300096 Lloyds Bank C/Acc transfer   36000.00                 36000.00  
64 21-Feb Deduct HSBC Business Charge   11.00                 11.00  
65   TRF Lloyds Bank Closure Account   1988.26                 1988.26  
        Totals 5745.00 56738.55 24693.84 624.06 120.00 0.00 2370.00 0.00 3270.66 800.00 94030.55 1708.16

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Rock Parish Council payments 2021-2022 Lloyds Kidderminster
 No. Date Ref No To Whom Paid Details Section 137 & Grants £5,000 Works  Clerk Open Spaces £400.00 Training £500 Hall Hire Highways   £3,332 App Scheme £3,000 Far Forest Play area £500.00 Litter  Picking R/O £1346 Total VAT
                              C/F 39,824.69  
1 28-Feb 1 CPRE Annual Subs   36.00                 36.00  
2 28-Mar 2 HMRC PAYE     1815.07               1815.07  
2   3 WCC LGPS     1662.03               1662.03  
4   4 CANCELLED                          
5   5 CANCELLED                          
6   6 Managed Tech Copy Machine   67.03                 67.03 11.17
7   7 Peter Handley Stationary   594.22                 594.22 99.04
        Totals 0.00 697.25 3477.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 2370.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4174.35 110.21

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