Health services in Wyre Forest
NHS services
Local services
To find an NHS service near you, such as a GP surgery, dentist or support group, use the NHS service search
NHS health check
The NHS Health Check is a free check-up of your overall health. It can tell you whether you're at higher risk of getting certain health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease or stroke. If you're over 65, you will also be told the signs and symptoms of dementia to look out for. If you're aged 40-74 and you haven't had a stroke, or you don't already have heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease, you should have an NHS Health Check every five years. If you are in the 40-74 age group, without a pre-existing condition and you have not had a NHS Health Check in the last 5 years, please contact your GP practice to arrange your Health Check.
Public Health
The role of Public Health is to protect and improve people’s health and reduce health inequalities, i.e. preventable differences in health between different groups of people. The Worcestershire Health and Wellbeing website provides lots of useful information on topics such as healthy eating, physical activity, mental wellbeing, breastfeeding and stopping smoking.
Health and Social Care
As well as public health, Worcestershire County Council’s also provides social care for adults and children.
Stop smoking
If you smoke, quitting is the best thing you can do for your health. Visit the Worcestershire Stop Smoking and be Smoke Free for the latest advice, including advice on stopping smoking in pregnancy. You can also call the free NHS Smokefree Helpline on 0300 123 1044 for help and advice.
Mental wellbeing: Books on Prescription
The Books on Prescription scheme provides self-help reading for adults for a range of common mental health conditions including anxiety and depression. The books are available through all Worcestershire libraries, including Kidderminster, Bewdley and Stourport.
Worcestershire Wellbeing Hub is an information and signposting service for people over the age of 16 who are experiencing low mood, anxiety or stress, and feel that they would benefit from support from local community providers. Wellbeing Hub staff are not clinically trained and so if you have any other needs you should contact your current mental health professional or your GP. If your mental health issues are reaching a crisis, call 111, 999, or the Samaritans 116 123.
Sports and physical activities
Find out why walking is good for you, visit our pages on cycling and walking in Wyre Forest or see what the leisure centres have to offer.
Worcestershire Works Well
Worcestershire Works Well is a free accreditation scheme designed to enable local businesses improve the health and well-being of the work force. A range of Wyre Forest employers, including the District Council and Community Housing Group are signed up. Visit the Worcestershire Works Well website to find out more.