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Minutes of the Rock Parish Council AGM Meeting held in Heightington Village Hall on Monday 20th May 2019 commencing at 7.00pm.

Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman); Douglas Godwin; Ms Christine Sankey; Jim Lawson; Sandra Woodhouse; Pat Pain; Andrew Croot; Sally Watkins; Ms Sue Morris; Christopher Price; David Nott

In attendance: Mr S Clee Clerk, Mr Chris Gennard, County Councillor Rebecca Vale, Mr Rob Matthews, Mr Phil Deeley & Mr Colin Link Lengthsman

2073 Election of Chairman:

Councillor Mr Richard Williams was elected Chairman for the 2019-2020 municipal year and duly made and signed the declaration of acceptance of office. Cllr Sandra Woodhouse was elected Vice Chairman. The Chairman presented the outgoing Chairman with a past chairman’s badge and thanked him for his chairmanship for the past two years.

2074 Co-option to vacant seat:

Council unanimously agreed to co-opt Mr Nick Stones to the vacant seat following the recent elections.

Apologies: Councillor Colin Thornton & District Councillors Anna & Roger Coleman.

2075 Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 29th April 2019 as previously circulated were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2076 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality;

A) There were none. B) There were none.

2077 Public Participation:

Mr Phil Deeley of M Squared Construction gave a presentation on their proposals for development of Land at Clows Top. Councillor’s expressed concern at the closeness of development on the corner of the Worcester Road & Tenbury Road Junction where in previous years Worcestershire County Council had purchased the site and demolished The Crown Inn public house to improve the visibility when turning right towards Bewdley on the Worcester Road. Car Parking Layouts and the Parish Bus Shelter was also raised.

2078 County & District Councillor’s Report:

County Councillor Rebecca Vale then gave a report of relevant activity at County level and gave details of an important meeting about Climate change. The Government has a target of reduction in Carbon footprint by 50% by 2030 and to be carbon neutral by 2050. Worcestershire is aiming for a reduction of 20% by 2021 and is well on target to achieve that. Rebecca said that information, co-operation and assistance from the rural community, farmers, industries etc. will be vital in helping achieve these government targets.

She mentioned the County Council’s willingness to permit siting of Green grit bins at locations adjusted to meet the needs of local people but subject to approval from the Highways department. She talked about the Lengthsman scheme, the importance of Public Liability Insurance and the Council’s intention to aim for a fully trained and qualified work force throughout the county. She also mentioned ongoing problems with Severn Trent and their work sites throughout the County. There were no reports from any of our District Councillor’s.

2079 Planning Matters:

005 19/0237/FULL for a Two storey extension at Lye Head House, Rock, DY12 2UT

RESOLVED to support this application.

006 19/0260/Full for a Side extension to existing dwelling at The Brake, Buckeridge, DY14 9DF

RESOLVED to support this application

2080 Correspondence & Update Sheet:

The update sheet with one late planning applications was noted.

2081 Meeting dates for 2019-2020:

The Council approved the schedule of meeting dates for 2019-20 municipal year.

2082 Rudds Bridge Update:

Council was given updates on the situations regarding Rudd’s Bridge and the Far Forest Centre. The Clerk and the former chairman had a meeting with representatives from Kinlet Parish Council, Worcestershire County Council and Shropshire County Council to try and find a way forward with the replacement of the derelict bridge.

The estimated cost of replacement of the old bridge was in the region of £80-100K with removal of the old bridge being about 50% of that cost. Funding is a major stumbling block at this time and no progress seems likely until that situation changes.

It is to be hoped that further deterioration of the bridge does not result in contamination of the stream and the surrounding SSSI, or in any injury to the public. Mention was made at the meeting that further attempts would be made to block access to the bridge in view of the repeated damage being done to the barriers already erected.

2083 Far Forest Visitors Centre:

The Council were updated on a meeting with the Archdeacon of Dudley, the Clerk and the former chairman discussed the future of the far Forest Centre and RPC’s interest in attempting to keep it open. It was made clear that it is not considered a viable option for the Church who cannot justify the outlay necessary to bring the building up to current H&S standards. The Archdeacon explained that they are in discussion with the Church authorities to decide on the best course of action and promised that they would bear in mind our interest in the building and keep us informed about the matter as it progresses.

2084 Nominations to Represent Council at CALC:

The Council nominated the Chairman & Vice Chairman as its representatives to sit on the CALC Area Committee. Council further appointed Councillor Jim Lawson as its representative on the CALC Executive Committee.

2085 Nominations to Represent Council on Bliss Gates Playing Fields Committee: The Council nominated Councillors Jim Lawson & Christine Sankey.

2086 Appointment to Committees:

a) Finance Working Group (Richard Williams, Colin Thornton, Mrs Pain, Sandra Woodhouse, Sue Morris, Chris Price.

b) Emergency Working Group (Andrew Croot, Alister Scott, Sandra Woodhouse, Christine Sankey, Mr Nott)

c) Planning & Parish Plan Working Group (Andrew Croot, Richard Williams, Chris Price, Jim Lawson, Douglas Godwin, Sandra Woodhouse, Sally Watkins & David Nott)

2087 Parish Magazine:

Councillor Christopher Price is writing tonight’s report for the Parish Magazine and Councillor Douglas Godwin in June.

2088 Accounts for Payment:

a) Council noted the Income & Expenditure sheets to date for 2019-20.

b) Council approved expenditure amounting to £1,200.00.

c) Council RESOLVED to appoint Mr Peter Phillips as our Internal Auditor for 2019-2020.

d) Council noted the VAT for 2018-19 financial year amounted to £876.36

2089 Date of the next Meeting

There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.03pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 24th June 2019 at Heightington Village Hall.

24th June 2019

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