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Rock Parish Council


Monday 30 September 7.00pm

Far Forest Sports Pavilion


Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), Ms Sandra Woodhouse, Ms Sally Watkins, David Nott, James Baker, Ms Sue Morris, Andrew Croot.

In attendance:

Mr S Clee Clerk, Mr & Mrs Clive Skidmore, District Councillor Nick Wilson, Mr & Mrs Grahame Pulford, Mr & Mrs Terry Prescott, Professor Ms Susan P. Limbra.


Councillors Isobel Hedges Ward, Douglas Godwin,.Nick Stones and Ms Emily Bourne

2397 Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 29th July 2024, as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2398 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.

Ms S Watkins Friend of applicant in Planning No 0097. Ms Sandra Whitehouse friend of family member in Planning No 0097. Mr Richard Williams is a resident of Plough Lane.

2399 Public Participation:

Mrs Carole Pulford spoke regarding Planning Application No 0601 and her concerns regarding the impact on highway access off a private lane. She pointed out the site has visible protected wildlife and tree preservation orders on the land. She believes the proposed site acts against the Wyre Forest Local Plan policies and National Framework Planning Policies.

Professor Ms Susan P. Limbray also spoke about Planning Application No 0601 highlighting she is a Worcestershire Wildlife Trust and is aware of recorded Bats on the site together with at least 7 protected species around the site. She added she was surprised no reference in the submitted reports relate to the wild deer often seen roaming the land.

2400 Planning Applications:

026 24/0525/FUL New Stable Block and Equipment / Feed Store@ Rock Farm, Porchbrook Road, Rock

It was RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL.

027 24/0590/PIP Erection of 4 No Self or Custom Built Dwellings@ Land adjacent, The Oxleys, Tenbury Road, Clows Top.

It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL. This site is outside the settlement boundary on an unsustainable isolated location used for agricultural use only. There is no public footway linking the site towards Clows Top. This proposal falls outside WF SP11 of the recently Approved Wyre Forest District Local Plan. It’s against WF SP2 which seeks to safeguard and enhance the open countryside and protect such sites from speculative development.

028 24/0601/FUL Erection of 2 No 3 bedroom bungalows@ Land on the Northwest Side of, Plough Lane, Far Forest.

It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL. Plough Lane is a privately owned unadopted Road. This application site relates to non-previously developed land which sits outside the recently approved Wyre Forest District Local Plan and its policies adopted to secure no development takes place outside of the adopted settlement boundaries like Plough Lane. This site is rich with biodiversity and wildlife ranging from Buzzards, Woodpeckers, and a rich Bat settlement with great crested newts using the site as their homestead together with deer often seen roaming along Plough Lane and the open fields.

The site lies adjacent to the ancient Wyre Forest which is the largest woodland National Nature Reserve in the Country which straddles the border of Shropshire and Worcestershire and is known to have been wooded since at least 900AD. The ‘Foresta de Wyre’ is mentioned in the Domesday Book, Britain’s earliest record commissioned by William I in 1085.

The Parish Council believes that this proposed development is unacceptable in principle, contrary to the Wyre Forest Policy DS01 of the Adopted Core Strategy, policies SAL.DPL1 and SAL.DPL2 of the adopted Site Allocations and Policies Local Plan and Paragraph 77 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

029 24/0097/OUT Outline application for the demolition of existing buildings and replacement with 7 No. bungalows (all matters reserved except access) @ Former Far Forest Rustic Works, Cleobury Road, Far Forest.

It was RESOLVED to defer this application and seek further and better information regarding details on the water and waste management proposals, an ecological survey, a bat survey together with comments from Severn Trent as the current Waste Management Station is at maximum use, Worcestershire Education Departments view on any available spaces available in Far Forest Primary School.

2401 Rectory Lane Sign:

The Council considered a retrospective sign advertising Stables and an Holistic Centre that has appeared along the Lane it was felt the sign should be subject to an appropriate planning application which will enable local residents to have the ability to comment formally.

2402 Correspondence:

All correspondence had been circulated to members via email prior to the meeting. Councillor Sandra Woodhouse will be writing tonight’s report for the Rock & District News and Councillor Richard Williams in October.
2403 Rock Parish Survey – 3 Year Plan:
Councillor Jim Baker shared a survey he had designed to consult the parishioners on the Councils vision and direction moving forwards. Several comments were made, and agreement was reached to add them to the questionnaire which will be hosted on “survey monkey”

2404 Finances:

  1. The Council approved invoices amounting to £10,904.25 for payment tonight.
  2. The council noted the Income & Expenditure Sheets to date.

2405 Date of the next Meeting:

There being no other business the meeting ended at 20.15pm.

The next meeting will be held on Monday 28th October 2024.

Signed Chairman: 28th October 2024


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