Rock Parish Council
Monday 29 July 7.00pm
Far Forest Sports Pavilion
Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), James Baker, Ms Sandra Woodhouse, Ms Sally Watkins, David Nott, Nick Stones, Ms Emily Bourne
In attendance:
Mr S Clee Clerk, Mr and Mrs Clive Skidmore, County Councillor Dan Morehead.
Councillors Isobel Hedges Ward, Douglas Godwin & Ms Sue Morris.
2390 Confirmation of the minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 24 June 2024, as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
2391 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.
This were none.
2392 Public participation:
This was none.
2393 Planning applications:
022 24/0439/HOU Proposed extension to existing stable block on area of existing hardstanding to provide store@ Sycamore Farm , Dark Lane, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL.
023 24/0452/CLE Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of a building as an Independent Dwellinghouse in excess of 4 years@ Green Acres , Heightington Road, Bliss Gate, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to note this application for a certificate of lawfulness.
024 24/0455/HOU Proposed alterations to first floor, flat roof dormer style windows to more traditional pitch roof, comprising of materials sympathetic to the main roofing structure, namely concrete tiles and wooden "waney" larch board to the facing aspect@ Copper Beeches , Callow Hill, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to recommend APPROVAL.
025 24/0257/HOU Construction of a detached garage block with store over with a limited head room first floor (to minimise ridge height). Finish to be of an agricultural style building@ Moorfield House , Heightington Road, Heightington
It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL. Council believes the garage should be within the curtilage of the existing house and not as shown on the proposed drawing.
026 24/0141/HOU Construction of a first floor rear extension @ 2 Stone Cottages, Quarry Road, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL as it was deemed over development and the proposed dwelling would block car access for the existing dwelling.
2394 Correspondence:
All correspondence had been circulated to members via email prior to the meeting. Councillor Emily Bourne will be writing tonight’s report for the Rock & District News and Councillor Isobel Hedges Ward in September. The Chairman raised the West Mercia Police Survey and no members present had completed the questionnaire so he read all the questions out and an informed opinion was made so on each question so the Clerk can convey the Councils views.
2395 Finances:
- The Council approved invoices amounting to £1,428.82 for payment tonight.
- The council noted the Income & Expenditure Sheets to date.
2396 Date of the next meeting:
There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.05pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 30 September 2024.
Signed Chairman: 30 September 2024