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Rock Parish Council


Monday 25 November 2024 7.00pm

Far Forest Sports Pavilion


Councillors Ms Sandra Woodhouse, Ms Sally Watkins, Ms Sue Morris, Ms Emily Sheldon, Diuglas Godwin, and Andrew Croot

In attendance:

Mr S Clee; Clerk, Mr and Mrs Clive Skidmore, Mr Ben Nott and Mr Paulk Bradley


Councillors Isobel Hedges Ward, Richard Williams, Nick Stones, David Nott and Jim Baker.

2414 Confirmation of the Minutes:

The minutes of the last meeting held on 28 October 2024, as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.

2415 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.


2416 Public Participation:

Mr Ben Nott discussed his Planning Application and addressed questions from Councillors present.

2417 Planning Applications:

031 24/0523/FUL New access track in connection with Planning Permission 22/0417/PNR at Land at OS 376718 271099,
Heightington Road, Bewdley.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

032 24/0244/ FUL Demolition of existing barn and erection of replacement Dwelling at Gorst Hill Farm, Rock.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

033 24/0744/FUL Retrospective Change of Use of land to residential curtilage and re-siting of garage previous approved
Under 20/0693/HOU at Old Forge Farm, Gorst Hill.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

034 24/0740/HOU Extension to form first floor Accommodation Clee View, Porchbrook Road, Rock Cross.

It was RESOLVED to support this application.

2418 Correspondence:

Councillor Sally Watkins will write this month’s parish magazine report and Councillor Isobel Hedges Ward in December.

2419 County and District Reports:

In the absence of our District and County Councillor(s) there were no reports.

2420 Finances:

  1. The Council approved invoices amounting to £282.09 for payment tonight.
  2. The Council noted the Income and Expenditure Sheets to date.
  3. The Council considered the Budget Precept setting for New Municipal Year 2025-2026. After a short debate it was RESOLVED to set the precept at £61,700.00 for the second consecutive year. It was further agreed that the Finance Committee meet in February/March 2025 to review the criteria around Parish Grants.

2421 Date of the next meeting:

There being no other business, the meeting ended at 19.25pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 16th December 2024.

Signed Chairman: 25th November 2024


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