Rock Parish Council
Meeting date: Monday 31 January 2022
Venue: Far Forest Sports Pavilion
Minutes of the Rock Parish Council meeting, held at Far Forest Sports Pavilion, on Monday 31 January 2022 commencing at 7pm.
Present: Councillors Richard Williams (Chairman), Pat Pain, David Nott, Christopher Price, Sandra Woodhouse, Sally Watkins, Christine Sankey, Sue Morris, Douglas Goodwin and Emily Seldon (until 7.45pm)
In attendance: Mr S Clee; clerk, Mr and Mrs Rushton, County Councillor Dan Morehead and Community Support Officer Jeni Bray
Apologies: none
2152 Confirmation of the minutes:
The minutes of the last meeting held on 21 December 2021 as previously circulated, were approved by the chairman.
2153 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.
- Councillor’s Mrs Pain and Ms Watkins declared an interest in Planning App No 060 both being immediate neighbours of the applicant.
- Councillor Mrs Seldon Planning Application No 057 being a neighbour.
2154 Public participation:
PSCO Jenny Bray reported on 4 local incidents recently mainly shed break-ins. Mr Rushton came to complain at the lack of support given to him with his ongoing battles regarding effluent being discharged onto his property by an adjoining land owner. He stated he had received little support from Parish, District and County Councils in this matter. Mr Richard Osbourne from Worcestershire Regulatory Services was also not willing to pursue any actions. The Chairman stated that if Mr Rushton provided the Clerk with Mr Osbourne’s contact details we would send a Parish Council letter expressing our concerns.
2155 Planning applications
054 21/1183/FUL Temporary residential mobile home at Oak Tree Farm, Kinlet Road, Far Forest.
It was RESOLVED to support this application subject to the conditions that; it is for the use of a member of the family only and it is not to be sublet to a 3rd party, it remains on site for a maximum of two years and is to be removed within 3 months of the construction works being completed whichever is the sooner.
055 21/1184/HOU Proposed Oak Cladding with Insulated Render Panels to front and side elevations with New Storm Porch and gabletes to front elevation and Window openings to Side Elevation. Rebuild existing single storey rear addition with new First Floor Extension Over and Internal Alterations. Existing Double Garage to be Converted with new First Floor Accommodation over, fully glazed front elevation, and rear external staircase at The Mulberry Bush, Heightington Road, Bliss Gate, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application provided it is condition that the Garage is not allowed to be sublet or sold separately to the main residence.
056 21/1195/HOU Proposed single storey extensions and remodelling of exterior with insulated cladding system to thermally upgrade external fabric at Norchard Bungalow, Netherton Lane, Dunley, Stourport-on-Severn.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
057 21/1023/FUL Demolition of existing building containing offices, Garages and single bedroom dwelling. New build annex to provide single bedroom accommodation at Bungalow, Dovedale House, Long Bank.
It was RESOLVED to support this application provided it is a condition that the New Annex is for secondary use by the owners of the main house and is not sublet or sold as a separate dwelling.
058 21/1142/HOU Change of use of a residential outbuilding to a holiday Let at Hopleys, Bliss Gate Road, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application with the condition that it is not sold separately from the main dwelling and the planning department notify Council Tax department so Council Tax is collected.
059 22/0041/TPO Ash (T4) - Thin crown by 25% to add more light into the Rear garden at 3 Walnut Grove, Bliss Gate, Rock.
It was RESOLVED not to support this request and to point out to the Arboricultural Officer that the development on this site was only originally approved provided the cluster of these mature trees had Tree Preservation Order’s placed on them to protect them forevermore.
060 21/0103/FUL Erection of two detached single storey buildings to create two-bed residential units ancillary to the existing residential care home Site Location: Casa Mia Cleobury Road, Far Forest, DY14 9EH
It was RESOLVED not to support this application. The Council recognises the great job the owners of Casa Mia do within our community. However, Council believes this development should not be approved because; It is overdevelopment of the site, Light pollution is a major concern to adjoining properties, Noise is a major issue, There are concerns about fire safety, Water runoff is already causing major local problems within the adjoining fields, The current Severn Trent sewage system is already overloaded, and finally, Council were concerned about potential damage to the adjoining TPO’d trees.
061 21/1141/FUL Change of use of existing agricultural barn to single residential dwelling (C3), demolition of redundant agricultural barn and creation of a new access track at Barn At, Claybrook House, Netherton Lane, Dunley.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
062 22/0057/FUL Replace existing bungalow with detached Dwelling at Forest View Bungalow, Callow Hill, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
2156 County and district councillors report:
County Councillor Dan Morehead confirmed he had a site visit planned to meet with County Highways managers on 10 February to pursue outstanding highway matters and look at the installation of 40mph roundels along Callow Hill.
2157 Finances:
- Income and expenditure spreadsheets previously circulated were approved.
- Invoices amounting to £36,428.75 were approved
- HSBC banking
- The Clerk advised Council that in January he received a letter from the HSBC stating they intended to start charging all Community Customers with a Monthly charge of £12 to keep our current account open and a further charge of £1 per cheque processed. The Clerk had visited our bank in Church Street Kidderminster and met with the Manager who confirmed there was nothing she could do. So the Clerk visited Lloyds Bank in Vicars Street and reactivated an Old Current Account we had opened when purchasing our savings bonds.
- In consultation with the Chairman the Clerk recommends we close our HSBC Account as soon as practically possible and all Councillors become signatures at the Lloyds Bank. Various forms would need to be completed and the relevant paperwork was provided for signing tonight. Council endorsed the Clerks actions and recommendations.
2158 Date of the next meeting
There being no other business the meeting ended at 8.20pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 28 February 2022.
Chairman 28 February 2022