Rock Parish Council
Monday 28 November 2022 7pm
Far Forest Sports Pavilion
Councillors: Richard Williams (Chairman), Sandra Woodhouse, Chris Price, Christine Sankey, Andrew Croot, Pat Pain, Sue Morris, Sally Watkins, Emily Bourne, Isobel Hedges Ward, Douglas Godwin (from 7.15pm).
In attendance: Mr S Clee, Clerk, Mr and Mrs Clive Skidmore, and Mr Lee Frost
Councillors Nick Stones, David Nott, and County Councillor Dan Morehead.
2228 Confirmation of the minutes
The minutes of the last meeting held on 31 October 2022 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
2229 Declaration of Interest for a) The meeting and b) Any changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality.
This was no declarations made.
2230 Public participation:
Mr Lee Frost from Witley Homes was invited to address Council. Witley Homes have recently purchased the Alton Works site which had previously been considered by the parish council under planning application No 20/0572/PIP for 21 mixed use dwellings. Unfortunately, the previous developer had entered into receivership before the scheme progressed. Mr Frost outlined their proposals in advance of submitting a fresh planning application.
2231 Planning Applications:
036 22/0873/HOU Amendment to application 21/1036/HOU Material change, porch alteration and roof window proposal at Brands Lodge Coppice, Wayside, Lynalls Lane, Far Forest.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
037 22/0878/S73 Variation of Condition 2 attached to Planning Approval 15/0111/FULL the grain store at Organs Hill Farm, Greenway, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
038 22/0153/FUL Erection of 1 no 4-bedroom house and one No 3-bedroom bungalow with improved access, following demolition of agricultural building at Old Bliss Farm Barns, Old Bliss Farm, Gorst Hill, Rock.
The council were asked to reconsider this previously submitted application in light of recent decisions by inspectors where Class Q approval should have been given considerably more weight when determining applications.
Following a detailed debate Council RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL again to this application because this site is outside the settlement boundary which was, recently approved by the Planning Inspector, for construction of new dwellings, it is on agricultural land and over development of the site. The housing needs for Rock Parish, established by WFDC’s Housing Needs survey, have been more than satisfied, 14 local residents have opposed this application along with Worcestershire County Highways objects to this development".
It was further RESOLVED Councillor Sally Watkins would represent the Parish Council should this matter be referred to the Planning Development Control Committee.
039 22/0900/HOU Two storey side extension at Glenville, Callow Hill, Rock
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
040 22/0660/FUL Proposed conversion of residential outbuilding to form annex accommodation for dependent relatives to be used ancillary at Hopley’s, Bliss Gate, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application provided a condition is placed on it that restricts the building from being used as a holiday let or sold separately to the main Dwelling.
041 22/0901/HOU Single storey rear extension and detached garage at The Goddess Farmhouse, Greenway, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
042 22/0902/LBC Single storey rear extension and detached garage at The Goddess Farmhouse, Greenway, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
2232 Correspondence:
There was none as all emails had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. It was noted Councillor Richard Williams was writing tonight’s report for the Rock and District News and Councillor Sally Watkins in December.
2225 District and county councillor reports:
In the absence of both District Councillors and County Councillors there were no reports. Thanks were expressed by members to our lengthman Dan Johnson for the sterling work he is doing around the parish together with assisting the Litter Blitz Crew on a regular basis.
The Clerk reported on the vandalism towards the Bus Shelter at Bliss Gate on the 8th of November. The Clerk and Councillor David Nott had cleared all the glass up with the help of the parish lengthsman. The crime was reported to West Mercia Police who had no interest in the matter whatsoever. Following their request to report it online the case was opened and closed within 5 hours!
2226 Finances:
- Accounts amounting to £467.15 were approved for payment.
- The Council noted the current income and expenditure spreadsheets circulated with the agenda to date.
2227 Date of the next Meeting:
There being no other business the meeting ended at 7.40pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 19 December 2022.
Signed Chairman: 19 December 2022