Rock Parish Council
Monday 27 June 2022 7.00pm
Far Forest Sports Pavilion
Councillors: Richard Williams (Chairman);Sandra Woodhouse;Chris Price;Pat Pain;Emily Seldon;Nick Stones;Andrew Croot;Christine Sankey;David Nott;Douglas Godwin (from 7.15pm)
In attendance: Mr S Clee, Clerk, Mr & Mrs Clive Skidmore, PCSO Jenny Bray.
Councillors Sue Morris, Sally Watkins & County Councillor Dan Morehead.
2195 Confirmation of the Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting held on 23rd May 2022 as previously circulated, were approved and signed by the Chairman.
2196 Declaration of Interest for a) The Meeting and b) Any Changes to be notified to the Registers of Interests and Gifts & Hospitality.
- Councillor Mrs Emily Seldon declared an interest in Planning Application No 012 being a friend of the applicant.
2197 Public Participation:
No members of the public wished to address the Parish Council.
2198 Planning Applications:
009 22/0426/HOU Proposed first floor extension and erection of detached garage @ Willow Bank Bliss Gate Road.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
010 21/1025/HOU Proposed first floor extensions to existing property@ Bine Farm Barns, Bine Lane, Bliss Gate.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
011 22/0462/NMA Relocation of an external door and installation of a wood burner and flue@ Layton Wood, Tenbury Road, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
012 22/0429/HOU Erection of two storey side extension with basement and two storey rear extension, following demolition of existing single storey extension and sunroom. Conversion of existing garage/stores building into a Gym with new pitched roof and erection of new garage and store building@ Boundary Cottage, Station Road, Far Forest.
The Council RESOLVED to support this application provided subject to a condition that the proposed Gym is not turned into a unit for living accommodation and sold separately to the main dwelling house. Council also requests Permitted Development Rights be withdrawn thereafter.
013 22/0513/PNH Erection of a single storey rear extension@ 15 Bine Lane, Bliss Gate, Rock.
It was RESOLVED to support this application.
2199 Correspondence:
There was none as all emails have been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. It was noted Councillor Andrew Croot was writing tonight’s report for the Rock & District News.
2200 Finances:
- Accounts amounting to £9,925.31 were approved for payment.
- The Council noted the current Income & Expenditure Spreadsheets circulated with the agenda to date.
- Council approved the Annual Governance Statement for 2021-2022 and Authorised the Chairman & Clerk to sign them accordingly.
- The Council further Approved the Accounting Statements for 2021-2022 and Authorised the Chairman & Clerk to sign them accordingly.
- Council approved the Clerk & Chairman complete the Annual Accounts for 2021-2022
In accordance with Messrs P K Littlejohn requirements. - Council approved Mr Peter Phillips being appointed as our internal auditor for 2022-2023 municipal year.
2201 Date of the next Meeting:
There being no other business the meeting ended at 19.40pm. The next meeting will be held on Monday 25th July 2022.
Signed Chairman: 25th July 2022